Flüge nach Palermo
SAS fliegt nach Palermo in Italien ab/über Oslo, Kopenhagen oder Stockholm. Zu den meisten unserer Reiseziele fliegen wir das ganze Jahr hindurch. Einige Reiseziele sind saisonbedingt.
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Vorteile auf Ihrem Flug nach Palermo
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- Flughafen: Flughafen Palermo (PMO)
- Währung: Euro
- Zeitzone: CET : UTC+1/CEST : UTC+2
- Offizielle Sprache: Italienisch
Ermäßigte Tickets für Kinder
Erleben Sie Italien als Familie und bringen Sie die Kinder mit. SAS bietet bis zu 90% Ermäßigung auf Kindertickets, damit Sie Ihre Kinder kostengünstig mit auf die Reise nach Palermo nehmen können.
Palermo offers plenty of things to do. Here are some of our tips.
One of the best
Mercato Il Capo
Il Capo (the head) is the best of Palermo's four main street markets. It has the feel of a traditional Arab souk. You can buy everything from oriental spices to flowers, fresh fish and exotic vegetables. Savor the local street food sandwich Pane con panelle – a bun stuffed with chickpea fritters and fried mashed potato balls, flavored with fresh mint and lemon. When to go: mornings until 1pm.
The heartbeat of Palermo
Quattro Canti
Stop for a moment and feel the heartbeat of Palermo in this 17th century Baroque square – one of the earlier examples of real urban planning. The curved facades with their fountains and statues reflect the opulence of the city's golden era.
Sicilian delights
Ferdinando II Le eccellenze di Sicilia
This intimate wine shop sells only high-quality Sicilian products carefully selected from small producers. Here you can find delights such as bottarga, a delicacy made from cured fish roe, as well as fine olive oils, Modica chocolate and Amara Rossa, a bitter liqueur made from red oranges. And, of course, an excellent selection of wines.
Busy bar and restaurant area
Via Isidoro la Lumia
This calm, chic street close to Teatro Politeama turns into a busy bar and restaurant area in the evening. Socialize while satisfying your appetite at laid-back cocktail bars, steakhouses and snack bars. One of the best and busiest places to eat is seafood restaurant La Pesceria, Via Isidoro la Lumia 21.
Stay at an palace
Quintocanto Hotel & Spa
Even though you're in the heart of a chaotic city, you'll find tranquility in this modernized 16th-century palace. The hotel restaurant Locanda del Gusto is considered one of the best in town.
Traditional street food
Antica Focacceria San Francesco
A popular place for breakfast or a gastronomic lunch or dinner. Antica Focacceria has been around since 1834 but achieved wider fame in 2008 when its owners stood up to the Mafia. For a quick snack, try the arancini (fried rice balls with a variety of fillings) or the sfinciuni (traditional Sicilian thick-crust pizza).
Stylish bed and breakfast
This stylish bed and breakfast offers an artistic ambience with a touch of romance. Located in the quarters of Palazzo Pantelleria, just behind Piazza San Domenico, you'll wake up in the historic center of Palermo.
The best cappuccino
Antico Caffè Spinnato
One of the best places for a relaxing cappuccino, this charming pasticceria dates back to 1860. Here you can sample excellent cakes, pastries and Sicilian ice-cream, which the locals enjoy served in a sweet bread bun. It's located in the classy pedestrian street Via Principe di Belmonte, just a few meters from the busy shopping street Via Ruggiero Settimo.
One of the best beaches in Sicily
Mondello beach
With its turquoise water, white sand and Art Nouveau buildings, Mondello is rated as one of the best beaches in Sicily. It's just a 30-minute bus ride west of Palermo city center. During summer, the beach is highly congested though some hotels have private sections. Mondello Palace Hotel is one of these, located just behind the beachfront. Another option is the beachside hotel Unìco Boutique Hotel d'Arte, which has a terrace overlooking the bay.

Photo: Unsplash
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Immer in Ihrer Reise nach Palermo inbegriffen
Unabhängig davon, mit welcher Ticketart Sie reisen, bestimmte Kundenvorteile stehen Ihnen bei einem Flug mit SAS immer zur Verfügung. Immer in Ihrem Flug nach Palermo inbegriffen sind einfacher Online-Check-in, Kaffee und Tee an Bord sowie die Nutzung der SAS App.
Wenn Sie auf Ihrer Reise noch mehr Komfort wünschen, können Sie für Ihr Ticket ein Upgrade auf die nächste Reiseklasse durchführen. Dadurch erhalten Sie exklusiven Zugang zu Fast Track, SAS Lounges, Priority-Boarding sowie enthaltenen Mahlzeiten und Snacks an Bord.
In Ihrer Reiseklasse inbegriffen: | SAS Go | SAS Plus | SAS Business* |
24-Stunden-Geld-zurück-Garantie | Ja | Ja | Ja |
Handgepäck | LightJa* Smart/Pro1 x 8 kg |
2 x 8 kg* | 2 x 8 kg |
Check-in-Gepäck | LightNein Smart/Pro1 x 23 kg |
Smart1 x 23 kg Pro2 x 23 kg |
2 x 32 kg |
Fast track** | Nein | Ja | Ja |
SAS Lounge** | Gegen Aufpreis | Ja | Ja |
Speisen und Getränke | Flüge von/nach Asien, Kanada und den USA:Ja Flüge innerhalb Skandinaviens/Europa:Kann vorbestellt werden |
Ja | Ja |
WiFi | Gegen Aufpreis | Gegen Aufpreis | Ja |
*Flüge von/nach Asien, Kanada und den USA **Wenn verfügbar
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