Conditions of Carriage

These Conditions of Carriage govern the relationship between you as a Passenger and us as the Carrier regarding your carriage on an aircraft operated by us or pursuant to a Ticket on which our Airline Designator Code appears for that flight or flight segment.

Your rights and duties towards us and vice versa in this matter are outlined in the Conditions of Carriage. We advise you to read the Conditions of Carriage carefully as, among other things, they set out various limitations that affect you, for instance concerning our limits of liability towards you in case of Damage and delay affecting you and/or your baggage. If our limits of liability are not satisfactory in relation to your needs, we advise you to obtain personal travel insurance

These Conditions of Carriage may be amended without prior notice. The version in effect at any given time is the one most recently published, and this can be downloaded from our website at any time.

Conditions of Carriage Articles

Effective date June 27, 2023.

As you read these conditions, please note that:

Sas, we, our, ourselves and us
means Scandinavian Airlines System Denmark-Norway-Sweden, a consortium established under the laws of Denmark, Norway and Sweden and having its registered head office in Solna, Sweden. See Article 2 for addresses.

Passenger, you, your and yourself
means any person, except members of the crew, carried or to be carried in an aircraft pursuant to a Ticket.

means the Canadian Air Passenger Protection Regulations.

Administration fees
means fees charged, where applicable, to the Passenger by the Carrier and/or its Authorized Agent, such as but not limited to in consideration for the modification (“Modification Fees”), reissue (“Reissue Fees”) or refund (“Refund Fees”) of a Ticket. By accepting these Conditions of Carriage, you are also accepting the current Administration Fees.

Agreed stopping places
means those places, except the place of departure and the place of destination, set out in the Ticket or shown in our timetables as scheduled stopping places on your route.

Air carriage” and “carriage
means the carriage of a Passenger and their baggage on an aircraft.

Airline designator code
means the two-characters or three letters which identify particular air carriers and that is shown on the Ticket. For example, the SAS Airline Designator Code is SK.

means an article of these General Conditions of Carriage.

means the Canadian Accessible Transportation for Persons with Disabilities Regulations.

Authorized agent
means an individual or legal entity that is authorized by the Carrier to represent the Carrier in sale of Air Carriage tickets for its services or for the services of another Carrier if said agent is so authorized.

means both your Checked and Unchecked Baggage unless otherwise specified.

Baggage check
means the part of the Identification Form issued to the Passenger by the Carrier relating to the Carriage of Checked Baggage.

Baggage tag
means the part of the Identification Form that is affixed to the Checked Baggage.

means SAS and/or any other carrier for which the Airline Designator Code appears on the Ticket, or a Conjunction Ticket.

Carrier imposed surcharges
means surcharges and fees, which are surcharges and fees imposed by the Carrier, such as fuel surcharges, international/domestic fees, security surcharges, service fees etc.

Charter agreement
means the agreement where any other party has contracted with the passenger (for example a tour operator) and entrusts the Carrier with performing all or part of the Air Carriage in connection with package travel, package holidays and package tours, including under EU Package travel directive. The “contractual carrier” in this respect is the charterer or tour operator who as a principal enters into a Charter Agreement.

Checked baggage
means Baggage of which the Carrier has taken custody and for which Identification Form has been issued.

Check-in deadlines (cid)
means the time limit for the specific airport specified by the airline by which you must have completed check-in formalities and - if applicable - received your boarding pass.

Code share
means the operation by one Carrier of flights for which seats are offered by another Carrier using its own Airline Designator Code alone or jointly with the operating Carrier’s Airline Designator Code.

Conjunction ticket
means a Ticket issued to you with relation to another Ticket, which together constitute a single contract of Carriage.

Contingency plan
for lengthy tarmac delays means the contingency plan adopted by the Carrier in the event of a significant delay of the aircraft on the tarmac at an airport located within U.S Territory, as described by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT).

Convention means, as applicable:
(a) the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules in Warsaw on 12 October 1929; (b) the Hague Protocol of 28 September 1955, which amended the Warsaw Convention; (c) the Guadalajara Supplementary Convention of 18 September 1961. (d) Montreal Protocols 1, 2 and 4 (1975), which amended the Warsaw Convention; (e) a combination of the aforementioned Conventions and Protocols; (f) the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air, signed in Montreal on 28 May 1999.

means a paper Flight Coupon or an Electronic Coupon, each of which bears the name of the Passenger who is to take the flight identified on the Coupon.

includes death, wounding, or bodily injury to a Passenger, loss, partial loss, theft or other damage, arising out of or in connection with Carriage or other services performed by us.

mean calendar days, including all seven days of the week; provided that, for the purpose of notification, the day upon which notice is dispatched shall not be counted; and provided further that for purposes of determining duration of validity of a Ticket, the day upon which the Ticket is issued, or the flight commenced shall not be counted.

Electronic coupon
means an Electronic Flight Coupon or other value document held in our database.

Electronic ticket
means the Ticket saved by the Carrier or at its request by a computerized Reservation system and that is evidenced by the Travel Memo (also called Itinerary and Receipt), the electronic Flight Coupon or any other document that has the same value, issued by the Carrier on its name.

means Emotional Support Dog.

Extraordinary circumstances
means situations where an event could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken. Such circumstances may, in particular, occur in cases of political instability, meteorological conditions incompatible with the operation of the flight concerned, security risks, unexpected flight safety shortcomings, strikes that affect the operation of an operating air carrier or where the impact of an air traffic management decision in relation to a particular aircraft on a particular day gives rise to a long delay or the cancellation of one or more flights by that aircraft.

means the fares, charges, levies, costs for a journey charged to the Passenger, for a specified reservation class, for given routes, and, where applicable, flights and dates, and the corresponding fare conditions.

Flight coupon
means that portion of the Ticket that bears the notation “good for passage,” or in the case of an Electronic Ticket, the Electronic Coupon, and indicates the particular places between which you are entitled to be carried.

Force majeure
means extremely unusual and totally unforeseeable circumstances beyond your control, the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if all due care had been exercised.

General conditions of carriage
mean these General Conditions of Carriage.

means International Air Transport Association.

Identification form
means a tag issued by the Carrier for the sole purpose of identifying Checked Baggage.

see Travel Memo.

means the Medical Information Form available on SAS webpage

Non-carrier imposed surcharges
means surcharges and fees imposed by others than the Carrier, typically public authorities or airports. Such fees and surcharges could be airport duties, passenger surcharges etc.

Notice of contract terms incorporated by reference
means those statements contained in or delivered with your Ticket or Itinerary/Receipt, identified as such and which incorporate by reference these Conditions of Carriage and notices.

Passenger coupon” or passenger receip
means that portion of the Ticket issued by us or on our behalf, which is so marked and which ultimately is to be retained by you.

Passenger with reduced mobility (prm)
means any person whose mobility when using transport is reduced due to any physical disability (sensory or locomotion, permanent or temporary), intellectual disability or impairment, or any other cause of disability, or age, and whose situation needs appropriate attention and the adaptation to his or her particular needs of the service made available to all Passengers.

Place of commencement
means the place of departure as shown on the Ticket.

Regulation (ec) 261/2004
means the Regulation (EC) 261/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 February 2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights.

means a change of routing and other changes resulting in the reissuance of a ticket.

means any request for Carriage by a Passenger recorded by the Carrier or its Authorized Agent.

Schedule or schedule indicators
means the list of departure and arrival times for the flights, as shown in the schedule guides published by the Carrier, or under its authority, and brought to the attention of the public by electronic means.

means a Special Drawing Right, which is the composite unit of currency that is the official unit of exchange of the International Monetary Fund. Information about the current rate of a SDR can be found on the Internet or at bank offices.

means a scheduled stop on your journey, at a point between the place of departure and the place of destination for a minimum period of twenty-four hours.

means the published fares, charges and/or related Conditions of Carriage of an airline filed, where required, with the appropriate authorities.

mean fees, taxes and charges imposed by governments, airport operators or any other authority.

means either the document entitled “Passenger Ticket and Baggage Check” or the Electronic Ticket, in each case issued by us or on our behalf, and includes the Notice of Contract Terms Incorporated by Reference, other notices and Coupons.

Travel Memo (or Itinerary or Receipt)
means one or more documents that the Carrier issues to the Passenger that confirms the issue of an Electronic Ticket that bears the name of the Passenger, information on the flight and any notices to the Passenger.

Unchecked baggage
means any of your Baggage other than Checked Baggage.

means SAS websites, including,,,

Our name may be abbreviated to our Airline Designator Code, or otherwise, in the Ticket. The address of SAS is deemed to be that of any one of its principal places of business in Denmark or Norway or Sweden.

Scandinavian Airlines System Denmark-Norway-Sweden, Amager Strandvej 392, 2770 Kastrup, Denmark

Scandinavian Airlines System Denmark-Norway-Sweden, Roald Amundsens veg 1, 2060 Gardermoen, Norway

Scandinavian Airlines System Denmark-Norway-Sweden, SE 195 87 Stockholm, Sweden

You are always welcome to call Customer Service in case you need to get in contact with us.

3.1 General

Except as provided in Articles 3.2, 3.5, 3.6 and 4.1.2 our Conditions of Carriage apply only on flights or flight segments operated by us and/or, where our name or Airline Designator Code is indicated in the carrier box of the Ticket for that flight or flight segment.

Your travel will be governed by the rules that were in effect on the date you purchased your ticket; provided, however, that SAS reserves the right to apply rules currently in effect on the date of your travel where reasonably necessary for operational efficiency and where the change in rule does not have a material negative impact upon you.

Outside Europe Regulation (EC) 261/2004 might not apply. If you are traveling outside Europe on flights not operated by us, be aware that you might not be entitled to assistance from SAS, or the operating airline in situations where your flight is canceled, delayed, you are denied boarding or downgraded. In these situations, your rights will be governed by the local legislation applicable to the flight in question.

3.2 Charter operations

If Carriage is performed pursuant to a Charter Agreement, these Conditions of Carriage apply only to the extent they are incorporated by reference or otherwise in the Charter Agreement or the Ticket.

3.3 Code share

On some services, we have codeshare arrangements with other Carriers. This means that even if you have a reservation with us and hold a Ticket where our name or Airline Designator Code (SK) is indicated as the Carrier, another Carrier may operate the aircraft. If such arrangements apply, we or our Authorized Agents will advise you of the Carrier operating the aircraft at the time you make a reservation. Your contract party is the marketing carrier, e.g. the Carrier whose Airline Designator Code appears on the Flight Coupon or routing slip next to the flight number. Codeshare partners may have conditions that apply to the operation of their own flights, which may differ from SAS Conditions of Carriage for flights operated by SAS. These Conditions of Carriage stipulated by other Codeshare partners are therefore in the present Conditions of Carriage, thus forming part of the Contract of Carriage.

You should therefore read through the conditions of carriage for flights operated by another carrier in the context of a codeshare arrangement and be aware of, inter alia, check-in times, policies regarding carriage of unaccompanied minors, carriage of animals, operational irregularities (such as tarmac delays), baggage allowance etc. In the event of codeshare all claims related to compensation and assistance in the event of denied boarding, cancellation, long delays or downgrading based on Regulation (EC) 261/2004 or Canadian Air Passenger Protection Regulations (APPR) shall be submitted to the operating carrier. Other claims regarding Damages for proven losses and costs may be submitted to either the operating or the marketing Carrier.

Furthermore, with respect to code share flights operated by another Carrier that depart from or arrive at a U.S. airport, the tarmac delay Contingency Plan of the operating Carrier governs. Detailed information regarding these Contingency Plans may be obtained from the operating Carriers website.

3.4 Information on the identity of the operating carriers

As we are aware how important it is for you to know the Carrier you are actually flying with, we provide information about the identity of the operating Carrier you are flying with at the time of reservation. You also are immediately informed, in case the operating Carrier is changed.

Indirect sales channels such as travel agents or internet providers over which we have no influence, are also obliged by Art 11 of the Regulation (EC) No. 2111/2005 to systematically inform you at the time of reservation of the operating Carrier and/or to contact the Passenger if the operating Carrier is changed.

3.5 Overriding law

These Conditions of Carriage are applicable unless they are inconsistent with applicable law that cannot be waived by agreement of the parties in which event such laws shall prevail.

If any provision of these Conditions of Carriage is invalid under any applicable law, the other provisions shall nevertheless remain valid.

3.6 Conditions prevail over regulations

If any part of these Conditions of Carriage is in conflict with mandatory legislation, the mandatory legislation will prevail. This shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of the Conditions of Carriage. Except as provided for in these Conditions of Carriage, in the event of inconsistency between these Conditions of Carriage and any other of SAS terms and conditions, these Conditions of Carriage will prevail. The English version of these Conditions of Carriage will override any translations.

4.1 General provisions

4.1.1 The Ticket constitutes conclusive evidence of the contract of Carriage between us, and the Passenger named in the Ticket. We will provide Carriage only to the Passenger named in the Ticket, and you may be required to produce appropriate identification.

4.1.2 A Ticket is transferable in its entirety (but not in part), provided;
(a) that you contact us with a request for transfer of your Ticket at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure time shown on the first flight coupon of the Ticket,
(b) that we are the operating carrier of all the flights or flight segments in the Ticket, and
(c) that the person to whom the Ticket is to be transferred satisfies and complies with all the conditions applying to the original Ticket.

Upon your surrender of your Ticket to us, we will issue a new Ticket in the name of the person to whom the Ticket is to be transferred. The new Ticket will be subject to the same terms and conditions as those of the replaced Ticket. You will be charged an Administration Fee for the transfer of the Ticket. For the avoidance of doubt, a name change is considered a transfer of a ticket even if it is you that is changing your own name since a name change means that we have to issue a new Ticket.

Except as provided above, a Ticket is not transferable.

4.1.3 Some Tickets are sold at discounted fares, which may be partially or completely non-refundable. If a Ticket is non-refundable, the Carrier Imposed Surcharges will also be non-refundable, whereas the Non-Carrier Imposed Surcharges will always be refundable. You should choose the fare best suited to your needs. You may also wish to ensure that you have appropriate insurance to cover instances where you have to cancel your Ticket.

(a) If you have a Ticket, as described in Article 4.1.3 above, and you are prevented from traveling due to Force Majeure, provided that you promptly advise us and furnish evidence of such Force Majeure, we will at our discretion either make a refund within a reasonable time or provide you with a credit of the non-refundable amount of the fare for future travel on us, in both circumstances subject to deduction of an administration fee.
(b) If you have a Ticket, as described in Article 4.1.3 above, and you are delayed for your scheduled flight due to Force Majeure, provided that you promptly advise us and furnish evidence of such Force Majeure, we will carry you at the earliest opportunity on another of our scheduled services on which space is available without additional charge.

4.1.5 The Ticket is and remains at all times the property of the issuing Carrier.

4.2 Requirement for ticket

Except in the case of an Electronic Ticket, you shall not be entitled to be carried on a flight unless you present a valid Ticket containing the Flight Coupon for that flight and all other unused Flight Coupons and the Passenger Coupon. In addition, you shall not be entitled to be carried if the Ticket presented is mutilated or if it has been altered otherwise than by us or our Authorized Agent. In the case of an Electronic Ticket, you shall not be entitled to be carried on a flight unless you provide positive identification and a valid Electronic Ticket has been duly issued in your name.

When you book a journey, you will receive a booking confirmation and a ticket in close proximity to the booking. It is your responsibility to let us know immediately, in case you have not received a booking confirmation and a ticket in close proximity to the booking. It is also your responsibility to let us know immediately in case any detail in the booking confirmation or in the ticket needs to be corrected. SAS will not be liable for any damages related to your failure to notice us upon the above.

4.3 Loss of ticket

(a) In case of loss or mutilation of a Ticket (or part of it) as described in Article 4.1.3 above, if we have issued the said Ticket, we will upon your request replace such Ticket (or part of it) by issuing a new Ticket, provided there is evidence, readily ascertainable at the time, that a Ticket valid for the flight(s) in question was duly issued. You will be liable to reimburse us for any costs and losses, up to the value of the original Ticket, which are necessarily and reasonably incurred by us or another Carrier for misuse of the original Ticket. We will not claim reimbursement from you for any such losses, which result from our own negligence. We will charge an Administration Fee for this service, unless the loss or mutilation was due to negligence on our side or from one of our Authorized Agents.
(b) In case of loss or mutilation of a Ticket that is fully refundable we may require you to pay the full Ticket price for a new Ticket, subject to refund if and when we are satisfied that the lost or mutilated Ticket has not been used before the expiry of its validity. If, upon finding the original Ticket before the expiry of its validity, you surrender it to us, the foregoing refund will be processed at that time.

4.3.2 A ticket is valuable and you should take appropriate measures to safeguard it and ensure it is not lost or stolen.

4.4 Period of validity

4.4.1 Except as otherwise provided in the Ticket, in these Conditions of Carriage, or in applicable Tariffs, (which may limit the validity of a Ticket, in which case the limitation will be shown on the Ticket), a Ticket is valid for:

(a) One year from the date of issue; or
(b) Subject to the first travel occurring within one year from the date of issue, one year from the date of first travel under the Ticket.

4.4.2 If you after having commenced your journey become unable to travel within the period of validity due to illness, the period of validity of your ticket may only be extended subject to the fare rules governing your ticket.

4.4.3 In the event of death of a Passenger en route, the Tickets of persons accompanying the Passenger may be modified by waiving the minimum stay or extending the validity. Any such modification shall be made upon receipt of a valid death certificate and any such extension of validity shall not be for a period longer than forty-five (45) days from the date of the death.

4.5 Coupon sequence and use

4.5.1 A Ticket comprises one or more Flight Coupons. Each Flight Coupon is issued for exactly one sector. For example: a Ticket from Stockholm to New York and back, with the sectors from Stockholm – Copenhagen, Copenhagen – New York, New York – Copenhagen, Copenhagen – Stockholm comprises four Flight Coupons or one Ticket. In the same way, the flight from Stockholm – Copenhagen, Copenhagen – Stockholm also comprises two Flight Coupons, regardless of any stopover in Copenhagen. The Ticket you have purchased is only valid for the sequence of transportation shown on it. The price you paid is based on our fares and is specially calculated based on the travel dates you have selected and sequence of travel. Therefore, the calculated price applies only to the sequence of transportation shown on the Ticket. This represents an important part of our contract with you. Due to the market situation, fares consisting of several Flight Coupons can be less expensive than the respective individual flight sections. To prevent these cheaper fares from being misused, we have made it a condition of Carriage that the sectors are to be flown in the sequence of transportation shown on the Ticket.

4.5.2 Should you wish to change any aspect of your Carriage, you must contact us in advance. If you are unable to fly the indicated sequence in the order given due to Force Majeure, illness or for any other reason or impediment for which you are not responsible, the remainder of the Flight Coupons shall remain valid. In this case, you may use the remaining Flight Coupons in the sequence shown. The relevant reasons are to be made known to us and substantiated immediately after you become aware of them or after discontinuation of the impediment. In this case, you may use the remaining Flight Coupons in the planned order sequence shown.

4.5.3 Should you have selected a Tariff which provides for compliance with a fixed sequence of travel (see 4.5.1), please note: if Carriage is not used on all individual legs or not used in the sequence anticipated on the Ticket with otherwise unchanged travel data, we will recalculate the fare according to your altered routing. The new fare will hereby be determined, and you will have to pay for your actual routing, depending on the Tariff and fare rules for the Ticket. The new fare will be based on the fare available on the day of the request for change of routing. This fare may be higher or lower than the fare you originally paid.

The calculation will be based on the best value price available in your booking class for the changed sequence of transportation. If there is no availability on the flight, the recalculation will be based on the highest fare in the original cabin. If there is no availability on the flight, the recalculation will be based on the highest fare in the original cabin. Any refundable taxes and charges for the unused Flight Coupon will be deducted. Please note that unless the difference in price has been paid, you will not be allowed to travel.

5.1 Fares

The fare to be paid covers the cost of transporting you from the airport at the actual place of departure to the airport at the actual final destination. It is calculated in accordance with the tariff which is applicable on the day you book your ticket for the flight dates and itinerary shown on your ticket. Your fare does not include ground transportation between airports or between airports and city centers. The fare may include Carrier Imposed Surcharges. Should you change your Itinerary or dates of travel, this may impact the fare to be paid.

5.2 Taxes, fees and charges

5.2.1 Both Carrier and Non-Carrier Imposed Surcharges shall be payable by you. Non-Carrier Imposed Surcharges that is applicable at the time of purchase that has been adjusted down or removed at the time when the ticket is flown, are not refundable.

5.2.2 If you cancel a refundable Ticket both Carrier and Non-Carrier Imposed Surcharges will be refunded. According to the type of Ticket, the refund may be subject to an administration fee. If you cancel a non-refundable Ticket you will only be and are entitled to a refund of Non-Carrier Imposed Surcharges, and such refund may be subject to the deduction of an administration fee.

5.3 Currency

If you cancel a refundable Ticket both Carrier and Non-Carrier Imposed Surcharges will be refunded. According to the type of Ticket, the refund may be subject to an administration fee. If you cancel a non-refundable Ticket you will only be and are entitled to a refund of Non-Carrier Imposed Surcharges, and such refund may be subject to the deduction of an administration fee.

5.4 Credit card surcharge

A surcharge may apply to Reservations made with a credit card as specified at the time of Reservation. This charge covers the extra cost associated with credit card payments. Under certain circumstances you may be subject to additional fees imposed by your card issuer. Any query relating to such fees must be directed to the card issuer.

6.1 Reservation requirements

6.1.1 We, or our Authorized Agents, will record your reservation(s). Upon request, we will provide you with written confirmation of your reservation(s).
6.1.2 Certain fares have conditions, which limit or exclude your right to change or cancel reservations or to request a refund.

6.2 Ticketing time limits

If you have not paid for the Ticket prior to the specified ticketing time limit, as advised by us, or our Authorized Agents, we may cancel your reservation.

6.3 Seat allocation

The Carrier will make reasonable efforts to meet seat allocation requests but cannot guarantee the allocation of a given seat, even if the Reservation has been confirmed for such seat. The Carrier reserves the right to change seat allocation at any time, including after boarding, for operating, security or safety reasons and for reasons of Force Majeure.

6.4 Seating, reservation subject to reservation charges

If you have paid for your seat reservation, you have a right to a certain seating category (window, aisle or middle seat). In the case of a re-booking is changed at our instigation, in the case of a flight cancellation, or in the event of changes made by us for operational, safety, security or other reasons, we will refund you the amount paid for your reservation if your desired seat category is not available. If you cancel or rebook your Ticket or you purchase an upgrade, the amount paid for the seat reservation will not be refunded.

7.1 Check-in deadlines

Check-in deadlines vary from airport to airport and you must inform yourself about these Check-in deadlines in order to facilitate your journey and avoid your reservation being canceled.

If your journey includes any subsequent flights with another carrier it is your responsibility to inform yourself of the Check-in deadlines for these flights.

You must have completed the check-in process no later than at the Check-in deadlines indicated and you must arrive sufficiently in advance of the flight in order to be able to carry out all necessary formalities for your journey. Should you fail to do so or should you not present all the documents allowing you to be checked-in and therefore be unable to travel, we are entitled to cancel your Reservation and seat reserved.

We are not liable for any damages you incur due to the failure to comply with the provisions of this clause.

7.2 Boarding deadlines

You must be present at the boarding gate at the time specified by us. Boarding deadlines are available on our Website and can be obtained by contacting us, or our Authorized Agents. We are entitled to cancel your Reservation and the seat reserved for you if you are not present at the boarding gate at the boarding time specified by us. We are not liable for any damages you incur due to the failure to comply with the provisions of this clause.

7.3 Obligations

We have no obligation (including, without limitation, no obligation to carry or pay a refund) or liability whatsoever towards you if you have not complied with the conditions of this Article.

8.1 Right to refuse carriage, check-in and boarding

In the reasonable exercise of our discretion, we may refuse to carry you or your Baggage provided we have notified you in writing that we would not at any time after the date of such notice carry you on our flights. We may also refuse to check-in, board and carry you or your Baggage if one or more of the following have occurred or we reasonably believe may occur:

(a) Such action is necessary in order to comply with any applicable laws, regulations, or orders;
(b) The Carriage of you or your Baggage may endanger or affect the safety, health, or materially affect the comfort of other Passengers or crew;
(c) Your mental or physical state, including your impairment from alcohol or drugs, presents a hazard or risk to yourself, to Passengers, to crew, or to property;
(d) You have committed misconduct on a previous flight, and we have reason to believe that such conduct may be repeated;
(e) You have refused to submit to a security check;
(f) You have not paid the applicable fare, taxes, fees or charges;
(g) You do not appear to have valid travel documents, may seek to enter a country through which you may be in transit, or for which you do not have valid travel documents, destroy your travel documents during flight or refuse to surrender your travel documents to the flight crew, when so requested; or if we by any other means have reason to believe, that you will not be permitted to enter the country of your destination or any other country through which you may be in transit;
(h) You present a Ticket that has been acquired unlawfully, has been purchased from an entity other than us or our Authorized Agents, or has been reported as being lost or stolen, is a counterfeit, or you cannot prove that you are the person named in the Ticket;
(i) You have failed to comply with the requirements set forth in Article 4.5 above concerning coupon sequence and use or you present a Ticket, which has been issued or altered in any way, other than by us or our Authorized Agents, or the Ticket is mutilated;
(j) You fail to observe our instructions with respect to safety or security.

We are not liable for any damages you incur due to refused carriage because of one of the above reasons. You will not be entitled to any denied boarding compensation in case of our decision to deny check-in, boarding or carriage in accordance with the above.

9.1 Passengers with reduced mobility (prm)

Acceptance for Carriage of Passengers with Reduced Mobility (PRM), persons with illness, or other people requiring assistance has to be registered with us in advance unless otherwise required under applicable laws, regulations or orders. Passengers with disabilities who have advised us of any special requirements they may have at the time of ticketing and been accepted by us, shall not subsequently be refused Carriage on the basis of such disability or special requirements. Furthermore, we will make all reasonable efforts to provide assistance to passengers with disabilities even if the passenger has not advised us of such special requirements in advance. Pregnant passengers may be subject to prior arrangements with us.

9.2 Assistance

Assistance will be performed in accordance with our rules governing such assistance, and this information is available on our Website and can be obtained by contacting us or our Authorized Agents at any time.

9.3 Unaccompanied minors (um)

Acceptance for Carriage of unaccompanied children (UM) has to be registered with us in advance. UM will not be accepted for Carriage, if, before departure, bad weather conditions or other extraordinary circumstances indicate that it might be difficult to land at the scheduled place of arrival.

9.4 Special meals

If a passenger requires a special meal, they must enquire as to the availability thereof when making the Reservation (and/or changing a Reservation) or within the time limits published by us for this purpose. Otherwise, the Carrier cannot guarantee the availability of such special meal on board the specific flight concerned.

9.5 Infants

An Infant is a child that has not yet reached its second birthday.

A passenger is not allowed to bring more than two infants onboard. An infant shall be seated with a travel companion over the age of sixteen. If traveling with two infants, one infant can be secured with the aircraft seat belt on the adult’s lap and the other infant secured in a in car-type seat, provided that the car type seat meets the requirements in Article 9.8.

The number of infants onboard is limited due to safety reasons (e.g. the number of oxygen masks, the number of extension safety belts for infants, the number of infants life vests and slide/raft capacity

More information about traveling with infants can be found on our Website.

9.6 Pregnant passengers

For pregnant passengers the following rules apply:

For pregnant passenger carrying one child

  • No restrictions for travel more than four weeks before delivery

  • From four to two weeks before expected delivery

    • A MEDIF is required

    • Must be authorized by SAS medical

    • Flying time on any leg must not exceed four hours.

  • From two weeks before expected delivery a pregnant passenger cannot be accepted for transportation.

For pregnant passenger carrying twins or more

  • No restricions for travel more than twelve weeks before delivery

  • From twelve to four weeks before expected delivery:

    • A MEDIF is require

    • Must be authorized by SAS Medical

    • Flying time on any leg must not exceed four hours

  • From eight to four weeks before expected delivery, acceptance for transportation is only authorized in exceptional circumstances

  • From four weeks before expected delivery a pregnant passenger cannot be accepted for transportation.

You should ask your insurance company about what kind of insurance protection you might have when flying pregnant. For more information, please see our Website.

9.7 Medical transportation (meda)

In addition to what is stated under section 9.1, Medical Transportation is available for passengers whose medial conditions demand different degrees of assistance at embarkation or disembarkation and during the flight, such as passengers

(a) with broken/plastered legs*
(b) in incubators
(c) with contagious diseases or
(d) in late stages of pregnancy

All medical transportation must be requested through and authorized by SAS Medical, using the MEDIF form Once the transportation has been authorized, SAS will insert a note of confirmation in the passengers booking (PNR).

MEDA passengers are also categorized as PRM.

9.8 Car-type infant/child seat

SAS accepts all car-type seats provided that they are equipped with a label that shows that the seat has been tested and approved for aircraft use.

Passengers may bring their own car-type seat provided that all safety and installation instructions are followed carefully by the responsible adult accompanying the infant or child. Cabin Crew may prohibit the use of any inadequately installed car-type seat.

A car-type seat shall be installed forward or aft facing, depending on manufacturer’s specifications.

Booster seats (car-type seats without its own restraint system) are not allowed. Car-type seats which can only be installed by means of rigid bar lower anchorages (ISOFIX or equivalent) are not allowed.

10.1 Free baggage allowance and excess baggage

You may carry some Baggage free of charge, subject to our regulations and limitations as per the section below and further specified on our Website. You will be required to pay a charge for Carriage of Baggage in excess of the free Baggage allowance (excess baggage fee). These rates are available from our Website

10.2 Baggage from strangers

You must be fully aware of the content of all your Baggage and you should refuse to carry, in the checked or the unchecked baggage, items or Baggage entrusted to you by a third party.

10.3 Prohibited item

10.3.1 You shall not include in your Baggage any items for which Carriage is prohibited or restricted by the applicable regulations in any departure, arrival or transit state or state over which the aircraft flies, including in particular:

(a) Items that are liable to endanger the aircraft, the persons or property on board, such as those specified in the Dangerous Goods Regulations of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and in the Carrier’s regulations, as applicable (additional information is available upon request from the Carrier); these items include, but is not limited to, asbestos, explosives, pressurized gas, oxidizing, radioactive or magnetized substances, inflammable substances, toxic or corrosive substances articles, liquids or other substances which are capable of posing a significant risk to health, safety or property when transported by air.
(b) Items which in the reasonable opinion of the Carrier are unsuitable for Carriage because of the weight, dimensions, unpleasant odor, configuration or fragile or perishable nature, make them unsuitable for Carriage, in particular in light of the type of aircraft used. Information on these items shall upon request be provided to Passengers;
(c) Firearms and ammunition other than those intended for hunting or sport which, in order to be accepted as cargo or Checked Baggage, must be unloaded and suitably packed and have the safety catch on. The Carriage of ammunition is subject to the ICAO and IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations, as stated in paragraph (a) above;
(d) Cutting weapons, stabbing weapons and aerosols that may be used as attack or defense weapons, antique weapons, replica of weapons, swords, knives and other weapons of this type. Such types of weapons may not be transported in the cabin under any circumstances. They may nevertheless be contained as cargo or Checked Baggage, subject to acceptance by the Carrier.
(e) Live animals, except as provided for in the provisions of Article 10.10.

10.3.2 Furthermore, additional information on prohibited items which may not be carried as Unchecked Baggage, including but not limited to liquids and gels as well as pointed/edged weapons and sharp objects, blunt instruments and lighters, are available on our Website.

10.3.3 This Article 10.3.3 applies only to Carriage that does not involve a point in the United States of America as a point of origin, point of destination or agreed stopping place. In addition to the restriction mentioned above in Article 10.3.1–10.3.2, on flights that do not involve a point in the United States of America as a point of origin, point of destination or agreed stopping point, you must not include in your Checked Baggage fragile or perishable items or items having a special value, such as but not limited to: money, keys, prescribed medicines, glasses/sunglasses, bottles, cameras, jewelry, precious metals, computers, personal electronic devices, cellular telephones, musical instruments, negotiable papers, securities or other valuables, business documents, passports or other identification documents, or samples. If despite being prohibited any items referred to in Article 10.3 are included in your Checked Baggage, we shall not be responsible for any loss, delay or damage to such items.

10.4 Right to refuse carriage

10.4.1 Subject to paragraph 10.3, we will refuse to carry as Baggage the items described in 10.3.1–10.3.2 and may refuse further Carriage of any such items upon discovery.

10.4.2 We may refuse to carry as Baggage any item reasonably considered by us to be unsuitable for Carriage because of its size, shape, weight, content, character, or for safety or operational reasons, or the comfort of other passengers. Information about unacceptable items are available upon request.

10.4.3 We may refuse to accept Baggage for Carriage unless it is in our reasonable opinion properly and securely packed in suitable containers such that under normal conditions it will arrive undamaged.

10.10.4 Article 24 regulates carriage of service animal on flights to and from Canada.

10.5 Search of passengers and baggage

If you are not willing to comply with a request a search to be made of your person or your Baggage to determine the presence of articles which are inadmissible according to or which have not been presented in accordance with article 10.3, we may refuse to carry you and your Baggage and in that event, we shall be under no liability to you except to refund you in accordance with these Conditions of Carriage.

10.6 Checked baggage

10.6.1 Upon delivery to us of baggage to be checked we shall take custody thereof.

10.6.2 For checked baggage the following general conditions apply:

(a) The maximum allowed weight of any checked baggage is 32 kilograms
(b) The maximum size of any piece of checked baggage is 158 cm (length + width + depth)
(c) We have a limit of nine (9) pieces of baggage each passenger may check-in. Excess baggage charges must be collected for the extra pieces of baggage not included in the applicable free baggage allowance.

10.6.3 When you present your Baggage to check-in, you are obliged to:

(a) Attach your name or other personal identification to the Baggage
(b) Pack all Baggage in suitable packaging as further described on our Website to avoid refusal of Carriage according to 10.4.2.

10.6.4 Checked Baggage will, whenever possible, be carried on the same aircraft as you, unless we decide for safety, security or operational reasons to carry it on an alternative (if possible the next) flight. If your Checked Baggage is carried on a subsequent flight we will deliver it to you, unless applicable law requires you to be present for customs clearance. Article 17 (Liability for Damage) remains unaffected.

10.6.5 Items such as, but not limited to, tires, refrigerators and televisions must be transported as cargo and may not be transported as checked in baggage, even though it would meet the maximum weight and size limitations of checked in baggage.

10.7 Special declaration of interest

(a) For all Checked Baggage with a value that exceeds the liability limits in the event of destruction, loss, damage or delay, as defined by the Convention, Passengers can either purchase insurance coverage prior to the journey or, when handing over the Baggage to the Carrier, make a Special Declaration of Interest limited to a certain amount. In this case, a surcharge made known upon request, must be paid by the Passenger. Compensation will be paid in accordance with the provisions of Article 17.
(b) The Carrier reserves the right to verify the adequacy of the value declared with the value of the Baggage and the contents thereof.
(c) All Special Declarations of Interest must be made by the Passenger to the Carrier prior to the Check-in Deadline. The Carrier may refuse any Special Declaration of Interest if a Passenger does not comply with the aforementioned time limit. The Carrier also has the option of capping the level of the declarations. The Carrier also reserves the right to prove, in the event of damage, that the amount declared was higher than the Passenger’s genuine interest at the time of delivery.
(d) Passengers can obtain all the relevant information regarding this Special Declaration of Interest and surcharge specified in this article.

10.8 Unchecked baggage

10.8.1 For all ticket types except SAS Go Light within Europe, you may bring one (1) carry-on bag and one (1) additional item (handbag or laptop) for free, provided that the following conditions are met:

(a) The maximum allowed size of any carry-on bag is 55 cm x 40 cm x 23 cm (length x width x depth)
(b) The maximum size of any handbag or laptop is 40 cm x 30 cm x 15 cm (length x width x depth)
(c) The maximum allowed weight is eight (8) kilograms.

For SAS Go Light within Europe, you may bring one (1) handbag or laptop for free. One (1) additional carry-on bag is available for purchase. Above weight and size limitations applies.

10.8.2 Baggage you carry onto the aircraft must fit under the seat in front of you or in the overhead enclosed compartment in the cabin of the aircraft. If your Baggage cannot be stored in this manner, or is of excessive weight, or is considered unsafe for any reason, it must be carried as Checked Baggage or carried in the hold. If another Carrier is operating your flight other conditions may apply.

10.8.3 Items not suitable for Carriage in the overhead enclosed compartment in the cabin of the aircraft (such as musical instruments) and which do not meet the requirements in 10.8.1, will only be accepted for Carriage in the cabin department if you have given us notice in advance and permission has been granted by us. You may have to pay a separate charge for this service. Further information can be found here.

10.8.4 You are responsible for personal effects and Unchecked Baggage that you take into the cabin. In the event of destruction, theft, loss or damage to personal effects or Unchecked Baggage, we may only be liable if a wrongdoing on our part, or that of our officials or agents, is proven, said liability then being limited to the amount defined in Article 17 of these Conditions of Carriage.

More information about your free carry on baggage allowance can be found on our Website.

10.9 Delivery of checked baggage

10.9.1 You are responsible for collecting your Checked Baggage as soon as it is made available at the place of destination or stopover.

10.9.2 We shall deliver Checked Baggage to the bearer of the Baggage Check upon payment of all unpaid sums due to us under these Conditions of Carriage.

10.9.3 If a person claiming the Checked Baggage is unable to present the Baggage Check and identify the Baggage by means of a Baggage Tag, if one has been issued, we will deliver the baggage to such person only on conditions that the person establishes to our satisfaction the right hereto.

10.9.4 If you do not collect your Checked Baggage within three months from the Baggage being made available to you, we may dispose of said Baggage without being liable to you.

10.10 Pets and assistance dogs

10.10.1 Carriage of animals (only cats and dogs that are not snub-nosed) in the cabin is subject to our prior and explicit acceptance and the following conditions:

(a) The number of animals that can be carried is limited per flight and per Passenger and with the exception of animals stated under 10.10.f, animals referred to in 10.10.1 are only allowed in certain Service Classes
(b) In accordance with the regulations in force, the Carriage of certain categories of animals is prohibited. Information relating to these categories is available on request from the Carrier and its Authorized Agents and on our Website.
(c) Passengers must be able to provide all valid documents relating to their animal, required by the authorities in the departure, arrival or transit country, including in particular passports, health and vaccination certificates and entry or transit permits. The Carrier will not agree to carry animals that do not have the requisite documents.
(d) Depending on the destination, the Carriage of animals can be subject to conditions, in particular age, weight, health checks, which the Passenger may obtain from the Carrier.
(e) The animal and its container are not included in the Baggage Allowance; the Passenger must pay a surcharge, the conditions of which are available from the Carrier.
(f) Service dogs, and if applicable their cages, accompanying Passengers with Reduced Mobility will be carried free of charge, in addition to the applicable Baggage Allowance, in accordance with SAS or the Operating Carrier’s regulations, which are available on request. Acceptance of emotional support animals are not accepted onboard SAS flights.
(g) In the event of fraud or the absence or invalidity of the required documents or if the container intended for carrying the animal does not comply with the provisions of Article 10.10, the Carrier shall not assume any liability for the injury, loss, delay, illness or death of animals carried (in the event that the animal is refused entry into or passage through any country, state or territory), as a result of these failures, unless this is solely caused by gross negligence or willful misconduct of the Carrier. Passengers traveling with animals who fail to comply with the applicable regulations must reimburse the fines, loss, compensation and all costs and damage incurred by Carrier due to such a situation. The Carrier shall at all times be entitled to set such additional conditions as it deems appropriate in its discretion.
(h) Passengers can obtain all the relevant information regarding the Carriage of animals and in particular, the surcharge specified above from the Carrier and its Authorized Agents and on our Website.

10.10.2 Pets traveling in the hold must be placed in a rigid plastic or fiber glass carry cage approved by IATA.

10.10.3 Other animals must travel in the cargo hold.

10.10.4 Article 24 regulates carriage of service animal on flights to
and from Canada.

10.11 Musical instruments as cabin baggage

10.11.1 Instruments that fit in an overhead bin or under the seat in front of you can be carried on the the cabin for your flight as a carry-on item provided it falls under the size requirements specified in 10.1. The instrument case is considered as one piece of carry-on baggage.

10.11.2 During the flight, your instrument must remain stowed in the overhead compartment or under the seat in front of you.

Checking in your musical instrument

10.11.3 You may need to check in instruments that do not fit in the cabin. Such instruments must be stowed in a hard-sided cases and checked baggage fees will apply.

10.11.4 SAS provides the option to pay for an extra seat for your instrument provided that:

  • The dimensions do not exceed 150 x 50 x 35 cm and does not undercut 90 x 20 x 10 cm.

  • The weight do not exceed 75 kilograms

  • It is carried in a hard case bag or box with a handle that the seat belt can pass through to safely secure the instrument on board.

The price for booking an additional seat varies and depends on your fare and booking class.

10.11.5 Certain instruments may be subject to excess, overweight or oversize baggage fees.

If you are denied boarding or if your flight is cancelled or delayed for at least two hours, we will provide information on your rights, including your rights to compensation and assistance.

11.1 Schedules

11.1.1 The flight times and flight numbers shown in timetables are not binding in any way and are solely intended to inform Passengers of the flights offered by the Carrier. Said flight times and flight numbers may change between the date of publication and the date the Passenger travel and does not form part of the Passengers contract with the Carrier.

11.1.2 Flight times and flight numbers printed on the Ticket are deemed, subject to changes for reasons beyond the control of the Carrier, to form an integral part of the Contract of Carriage.

11.1.3 If the flight times and numbers are changed before scheduled departure, the Carrier or their Authorized Agents will notify the Passenger about these changes by e-mail. The Carrier may also notify the Passenger by push notification and text message. It is the Passenger’s responsibility to provide the Carrier with correct contact information.

11.2 Cancellation and delays of flights

11.2.1 The Carrier will take all reasonable measures to avoid delay in carrying the Passenger and their Baggage. In order to mitigate the effect of a flight cancellation or delay, the Carrier may arrange for a flight to be operated on its behalf by an alternative Carrier and/or aircraft and/or other means of transport.

11.2.2 In the event of a flight cancellation or delay, the Carrier will implement all the provisions of the applicable regulations. Information relating to passenger rights in case of delays and cancellations is available from the Carrier and its Authorized Agents and on our Website.

11.3 Denied boarding and downgrading

11.3.1 In the event the Carrier decides to deny boarding, due to overbooking with the result that the Carrier is not in a position to offer a seat to the Passenger, even though the Passenger has a valid Ticket and has arrived for check-in and boarding in accordance with the required timeframes and conditions, the Carrier shall grant the Passenger the compensation provided for by the relevant applicable regulations.

11.3.2 In the event that the Passenger is placed in a lower service class than that for which the Ticket was purchased, the Carrier will refund the difference in Fares, under the conditions specified by the relevant applicable regulations. Information relating to passenger rights in case of Denied Boarding and downgrading is available from the Carrier and its Authorized Agents and on our Website.

11.3.3 Compensation for voluntary denied boarding will be paid pursuant to the conditions agreed between the affected passengers and the carrying Carrier; We will first seek volunteers (through gate announcement) who are prepared to stand down from their reservation, subject to any security and/or operational constraints at the airport.

11.3.4 As a general guideline, off-loading from an oversold flight will take place with due regard taken to service classes and with consideration taken to passengers with reduced mobility as well as to connecting flights and young, pregnant or ill passengers.

11.4 Compensation for denied boarding, cancellation or long delay of flights

11.4.1 The provisions governing any damages, compensation, cancellations, delays and denied boarding are set out in the Convention and, where applicable, Regulation (EC) 261/2004. For information regarding your rights under Regulation 261, please see our Website

11.4.2 If you are denied boarding or if your flight is cancelled or delayed for at least two hours, ask at the check-in counter or boarding gate for the text stating your rights, particularly with regard to compensation and assistance.

11.5 Cancellation, delays of flights and denied boarding on flights to or from, or flights connecting with a flight to or from, Canada

Information relating to passenger rights in case of denied boarding, delays and cancellations according to the APPR is available from the Carrier and its Authorized Agents and on our Website.

12.1 General

12.1.1 We will refund a Ticket or any unused portion of it in accordance with the applicable fare rules or Tariff, as follows:

(a) Except as otherwise provided in this Article, we shall be entitled to make a refund either to the person named in the Ticket or to the person who has paid for the Ticket, upon presentation of satisfactory proof of such payment.
(b) If a Ticket has been paid for by a person other than the Passenger named in the Ticket, and the Ticket indicates that there is a restriction on refund, we shall make a refund only to the person who paid for the Ticket, or to that person’s order.
(c) Except in the case of a lost Ticket, refunds will only be made on surrender to us of the Ticket and all unused Flight Coupons.

In order for SAS to process your refund, you must contact SAS with your refund application.

12.2 Involuntary refunds

12.2.1 If you are entitled to a refund in accordance with article 11, the amount of the refund shall be as follows:

(a) If no portion of the Ticket has been used, an amount equal to the fare paid;
(b) If a portion of the Ticket has been used, the refund will be calculated in accordance with applicable laws and will not be less than the difference between the fare paid and the applicable fare for travel between the points for which the Ticket has been used.

12.3 Voluntary refunds

12.3.1 If you are entitled to a refund of your Ticket for reasons other than those set out in 12.2, the amount of the refund shall be as follows:

(a) If no portion of the Ticket has been used, an amount equal to the fare paid, less any reasonable service charges or cancellation fees;
(b) If a portion of the Ticket has been used, the refund will be an amount equal to the difference between the fare paid and the applicable fare for travel between the points for which the Ticket has been used, less any reasonable service charges and/or cancellation fees.

12.4 Refund on lost ticket

12.4.1 If you lose your Ticket or portion of it, upon payment of a reasonable administration fee, refund will be made as soon as practicable after the expiry of the validity period of the Ticket, on condition:

(a) That the lost Ticket, or portion of it, has not been used, previously refunded or replaced, except where the use, refund or replacement by or to a third party resulted from our own negligence, and that the person to whom the refund is made undertakes, in such form as may be prescribed by us, to repay to us the amount refunded in the event of fraud and/or to the extent that the lost Ticket or portion of it is used by a third party (except where any fraud or use by a third party resulted from our own negligence).
(b) If we, or our Authorized Agents, lose the Ticket or portion of it, the loss shall be our responsibility.

12.5 Right to refuse refund

12.5.1 We may refuse a refund where application is made after the expiry of the validity of the Ticket.

12.5.2 We may refuse a refund on a Ticket, which has been presented to us or to Government officials as evidence of intention to depart from that country, unless you establish to our satisfaction that you have permission to remain in the country or that you will depart from that country by another Carrier or another means of transport.

12.6 Currency

All refunds will be subject to government laws, rules and regulations or orders of the country in which the ticket was originally purchased and of the country in which the refund is being made. Subject to the foregoing provision, refunds will normally be made in the same manner and the same currency in which the Ticket was paid for, but may be made in another currency at our reasonable discretion.

12.6.1 If we are required to provide compensation in relation to a flight to or from, or a flight connecting with a flight to or from, Canada, we will offer it in form of money (i.e. cash or bank transfer). However, the compensation may be offered in another form (e.g. vouchers) if:

  • compensation in the other form has a greater monetary value than the minimum monetary value of the compensation that is required.

  • you have been informed in writing of the monetary value of the other form of compensation;

  • the other form compensation does not expire; and

  • you confirm in writing that you have been informed of your right to receive monetary compensation and have chosen the other form of compensation.

For further information, please refer to Article 24.

12.7 By whom will the ticket be refundable

Voluntary refunds will be made only by the Carrier which originally issued the Ticket or by its Authorized Agents.

13.1 General

If in our reasonable opinion you conduct yourself onboard the aircraft, when boarding the aircraft, or prior to boarding, so as to endanger the aircraft or any person or property, or obstruct the crew or ground staff in the performance of their duties, or refuses to adhere to instructions from the crew and/or ground staff including but not limited to instructions regarding safety, smoking, alcohol or drug consumption or behave in a manner which causes discomfort, inconvenience, damage or injury to other Passengers, the crew or ground staff, we may take such measures as we deem reasonably necessary to prevent continuation of such conduct, including restraint. You may be disembarked and refused onward Carriage at any point, and may be prosecuted for offences committed on board the aircraft. Furthermore, you shall indemnify us on demand, for any costs and/or losses incurred by us in connection with any such conduct by you.

If such behavior leads to costs for extra cleaning, decontamination, repairs or delays*, we will debit you the following standardized amounts:

Cleaning/Decontamination – EUR 150
Reparation – EUR 300
Delays – EUR 500
Smoking – EUR 500

*Any delay, minor or major, caused on any of our departing flights due to your behavior.

In addition, an administrative fee of 45 EUR will be debited.

SAS reserves the right to calculate and debit the cost of the claim up to the actual amount in case it exceeds the standardized amount stated above. You agree to indemnify SAS against all claims, liability, damages, costs and expenses, including but not limited to reasonable attorneys’ fees, arising out of or related to your behavior.

13.2 Taking photographs and filming onboard or SAS personnel on ground

Photographing and filming of SAS personnel or crew are prohibited unless consent has been given. Photographing and filming on board or on ground is only permitted when the rights of the passenger, SAS crew or personnel photographed can be safeguarded and ensured, especially with regard to rights on privacy. Photographing and filming on board may be prohibited at any time on the instructions of the crew.

13.3 Electronic devices

For safety- or regulatory reasons, we may forbid Carriage or limit operation aboard the aircraft of electronic equipment, including, but not limited to, cellular telephones, e-cigarettes, laptop computers, portable recorders, portable radios, portable music players, electronic games or transmitting devices, including radio controlled toys, walkie-talkies and other electronic personal devices. Operation of hearing aids and heart pacemakers is permitted. Exceptions may apply to electronic equipment with flight mode. Flight mode must be activated prior to departure.

14.1 General

If we make arrangements for you with any third party to provide any services other than Carriage by air, or if we issue a ticket or voucher relating to transportation or services (other than Carriage by air) provided by a third party such as hotel reservations or car rental, in doing so we act only as your agent. Under such circumstances the terms and conditions of the third-party service provider will apply. We shall have no liability to you for such arrangements or for any act or omission in the provision of such additional services or failure to provide such additional services, except for liability for negligence on our part in making such arrangements and such liability for us shall be subject to and limited by the provisions of Article 17.

14.2 Ground transportation

If we are also providing ground transportation to you, other conditions may apply to such transportation.

15.1 General

15.1.1 Passengers are required, under their own responsibility, to procure all the specific documents, visas and permits required for their journey, and where applicable for that of their children and/or passengers for who they are responsible and/or for animals traveling with them, and must also comply with all provisions of law (laws, regulations, decisions, requirements and provisions) of the departure, arrival and transit states, as well as with the Carrier’s regulations and the instructions relating thereto.

15.1.2 We shall not be liable for the consequences to any Passenger resulting from his or her failure to comply with the obligations referred to in 15.1.1.

15.2 Travel documents

Prior to travel, you must present all exit, entry, health and other documents required by law, regulation, order, demand or other requirement of the countries concerned, and permit us to take and retain copies thereof. We reserve the right to refuse Carriage if you have not complied with these requirements, or your travel documents do not appear to be in order, or if you do not permit us to take copies thereof.

15.3 Refusal of entry

If you are denied entry into any country, you will be responsible to pay any fine or charge assessed against us by the Government concerned and for the cost of transporting you from that country. We will not refund the fare collected for Carriage to the point of refusal or denied entry. For reasons of safety and good order the crew and/or the escorting police may hold the relevant travel documents of the Passenger under its custody during the flight to his place of departure or elsewhere.

15.4 Passenger responsible for fines, detention cost etc.

If we are required to pay any fine or penalty or to incur any expenditure by reason of your failure to comply with laws, regulations, orders, demands or other travel requirements of the countries concerned or to produce the required documents, you shall reimburse us on demand, any amount so paid or expenditure so incurred unless the expenditure is incurred through our negligence. We may apply towards such payment or expenditure the value of any unused Carriage on your Ticket, or any of your funds in our possession.

15.5 Customs inspection

If required, you shall attend inspection of your Baggage, by customs or other Government officials. We are not liable to you for any loss or damage suffered by you in the course of such inspection or through your failure to comply with this requirement. Passengers shall indemnify SAS if any action, omission or negligence on their part causes damage to the SAS.

15.6 Security inspection

Passengers are required to undergo the security (and safety) checks required by the government or airport authorities, as well as those requested by the Carrier. The Carrier cannot be held liable for refusing to carry a Passenger; in particular in the event that such refusal is based on the reasonable view that said refusal is warranted by the applicable law, regulations and/or requirements.

16.1 Flights performed by several carriers

Air Carriage performed by several successive Carriers, under a single Ticket or a Conjunction Ticket, is deemed to constitute a single operation for purposes of determining the application of the Convention to the transportation.

16.2 Responsibility

Where the Carrier has issued the Ticket, or is the Carrier designated first on the Ticket or on a Conjunction Ticket issued for successive Carriage, the Carrier shall not be liable for those parts of the journey performed by other carrier(s). Please also observe Article 17.1.1 (b).

17.1 General

The liability of each Carrier involved in your journey will be determined by the carrier’s own Conditions of Carriage. Please note that according to Article 3, if we issue a Ticket containing the Airline Designator Code of another Carrier (not SK) in the Carrier box of the Ticket for that flight or flight segment, or if we check Baggage for Carriage on another Carrier, we do so only as an agent for the other Carrier, and we carry no liability for this Carriage.

Our liability provisions are as follows:

17.1.1 Unless otherwise stated herein, Carriage hereunder is subject to the provisions relating to the liability established by the Convention, even where such Carriage is not international Carriage to which the Convention mandatory applies.

(a) Any liability we have for Damage will be reduced by any negligence on your part, which causes or contributes to the Damage in accordance with applicable law.
(b) We will be liable only for Damage occurring during Carriage on flights or flight segments where our Airline Designator Code (SK) appears in the carrier box of the Ticket for that flight or flight segment and/or the flight or flight segment is operated by us. If another Carrier is operating the flight, you have the right to address a complaint or to make a claim for damages against either us or the other Carrier. With respect to Checked Baggage you may make a claim against the first or last Carrier.
(c) We are not liable for any Damage arising from our compliance with applicable laws or Government rules and regulations, or from your failure to comply with the same.
(d) If we are liable to you according to the Convention our liability is limited to Damages for documented losses. You are responsible to limit your expenses and losses.
(e) We are not responsible for any illness, injury or disability, including death, attributable to your age, mental or physical condition or for the aggravation of such condition, unless this condition or aggravation is a result of an accident that occurred on board the aircraft or in the course of any of the operations of embarking or disembarking.
(f) Our liability is subject to your provision of relevant documentation, including where applicable documented proof of purchase, including date and price of purchase. In case of liability for Baggage depreciation will be deducted.
(g) The contract of Carriage, including these Conditions of Carriage and exclusions or limits of liability, applies to our Authorized Agents, servants, employees and representatives to the same extent as they apply to us. The total amount recoverable from us and from such Authorized Agents, servants, employees and representatives shall not exceed the amount of our own liability, if any.
(h) Except where other specific provision is made in these Conditions of Carriage, we shall be liable to you only for recoverable compensatory damages for proven direct losses and, to the extent permitted by applicable law, you agree that we shall not be liable for indirect, consequential, or any other form of non-compensatory damages.

17.2 Baggage

17.2.1 In accordance with article 17 of the Convention, the Carrier is liable for Damage caused by loss of, or damage to Checked Baggage, upon condition only that the event which caused to loss or damage took place on board the aircraft or during any period which the Carrier had custody of the Checked Baggage.

Checked baggage within or from US must be screened by Transport Security Administration. If a baggage is locked, the Transport Security Administration may have to break the lock to perform the inspection. SAS is not liable for any damage or loss caused by the Transport Security Administration.

17.2.2 The Carrier shall not be liable for Damage to Baggage where said Damage results from the nature of or an inherent defect, quality or vice of the Baggage. If Baggage or items contained therein cause damage to another person or the Carrier, the Passenger must compensate the Carrier for all losses suffered and costs incurred as a result.

The carrier shall not assume any liability for items that are not adequately packed.

17.2.3 The Carrier’s liability in the event of destruction or loss of or damage to Baggage shall be limited to 1,288 SDR per Passenger. If a higher value was declared in accordance with Article 10.7 the Carrier’s liability shall be limited to the value declared, unless the Carrier can provide proof that said value is higher than the Passenger’s genuine interest at the time of delivery.

For Unchecked Baggage allowed on board, the Carrier can only be held liable in the event of a proven fault by the Carrier, its servants or agents.

17.2.4 If the value of your Checked Baggage is greater than our maximum liability you should inform us at check in or ensure that the Checked Baggage is fully insured prior to travel.

17.2.5 We shall have no liability whatsoever for cosmetic and/or superficial damage caused to baggage as a result of normal wear and tear during the course of Carriage.

17.2.6 A claim for essential items is only valid if you are away from home and have proof of all expenses incurred.

17.2.7 This condition is applicable when travelling on a flight to or from Canada or on a flight connecting with a flight to or from Canada.

SAS will refund to the passenger any baggage fee paid in case the baggage is damaged, delayed or lost.

17.3 Personal injury etc.

17.3.1 Except as mentioned in art. 17.3.2 our liability in case of death or injury of Passengers shall not be subject to any financial limit, be it defined by law, the Convention or otherwise.

17.3.2 In case of death or injury of Passengers we will not be liable for Damages in excess of 128, 821 SDR per Passenger where we can prove that the Damage was not due to the negligence or other wrongful act or omission of us or our servants or agents; or such Damage was solely due to the negligence or other wrongful act or omission of a third party.

17.3.3 Article 17.3.1 and 17.3.2 hereof shall not be applicable in respect of claims made by public social insurance or similar bodies however asserted. We will compensate you or your dependents for recoverable compensatory Damages in excess of payments received from any public social insurance or similar body.

17.3.4 Nothing herein shall be deemed to affect our rights with regards to any claim brought by, on behalf of, or in respect of any person who has willfully caused Damage, which resulted in your death, wounding or other bodily injury.

17.3.5 We shall without delay, and in any event not later than fifteen (15) days after the identity of the natural person entitled to compensation has been established, make such advance payments as may be required to meet immediate economic needs on a basis proportional to the hardship suffered.

Without prejudice to the above, an advance payment shall not be less than the equivalent in Euro of 16,000 SDR per passenger in the event of death.

An advance payment shall not constitute recognition of liability and may be offset against any subsequent sums paid on the basis of our liability, but is not returnable, except:

(a) In cases where we prove that the Damage was caused by, or contributed to by the negligence of the injured or deceased Passenger, or
(b) In circumstances where it is subsequently proved that the person who received the advance payment caused, or contributed to the Damage by negligence or was not the person entitled to compensation.

17.3.6 We have at any time sufficient liability insurance (Passenger/third party) to meet any lawful requirement.

17.4 Delay

17.4.1 In addition to our obligations described in Article 11, if we have caused a delay for you and/or your Checked Baggage in the Carriage by air, we will only be liable for Damage occasioned by the delay, if we and our servants and agents (such as for instance contracted caterers and ground handling agents) have not taken all measures that could reasonably be required to avoid the Damage. If it was impossible for us or our servants and agents to take such measures, we will not be liable for Damage caused by delay. If we are liable for Damage caused by delay, our liability for such Damage is limited as follows:

(a) For Damage caused by delay in the Carriage of Passengers our liability is limited to 5,346 SDR for each Passenger.
(b) For Damage caused by delay in the Carriage of Baggage our liability shall be limited to 1,288 SDR for each Passenger.
(c) If SAS is liable for a delay, you must have allowed yourself minimum 90 minutes between scheduled flight arrival and the last daily departure of relevant public transport from the airport or pre-booked transfer arrangements before SAS will consider eventual compensation for lost ground connection. Such compensation is always limited to your actual and documented costs due to night closed public transport.

Our Conditions may only be modified in writing by us.

19.1 Notice of claims

Acceptance of Baggage by the bearer of the Baggage Check without complaint is sufficient evidence that the Baggage has been delivered in good condition and in accordance with the Contract of Carriage, unless you prove otherwise.

If you wish to file a claim or an action regarding Damage to Checked Baggage, you must notify us as soon as you discover the Damage, and at the latest within seven (7) days of receipt of the Baggage. If you wish to file a claim or an action regarding delay of checked Baggage, you must notify us within twenty-one (21) days from the date the Baggage has been placed at your disposal. Every such notification must be made in writing.

19.2 Limitations of actions

19.2.1 Any right to Damages according to the Convention shall be extinguished if an action is not brought within two years of the date of arrival at destination, or the date on which the aircraft was scheduled to arrive, or the date on which the Carriage stopped.

19.2.2 All other actions including actions relating to passenger rights subject to Regulation (EC) 261/2004, Canadian Air Passenger Protection Regulation (APPR) or the Canadian Accessible Transportation for Persons with Disabilities Regulations (ATPDR) shall be limited in accordance with national law.

Carriage of you and your Baggage is also provided in accordance with certain other regulations and conditions applying to or adopted by us related to operational safety, punctuality and Passenger convenience. These regulations and conditions as varied from time to time are important. They concern among other things; the Carriage of unaccompanied minors, passengers with disabilities, pregnant women, sick Passengers, restrictions on use of electronic devices and items, transportation of certain dangerous articles and prohibition against smoking and prohibition against consumption of alcoholic beverages onboard which have not been served/sold by our cabin crew.

Regulations and conditions concerning these matters can be read and printed from our Website at any time.

The title of each Article of these Conditions of Carriage is for convenience only and is not to be used for interpretation of the text.

If you would like to make a complaint, please contact our customer relations team.

More information on our complaints procedures can be found here.

You can also send your complaint to:

If for any reason you are unhappy with our final response to your complaint, you can refer your complaint to any of the approved Alternative Dispute Resolution providers established within the Member States of the European Union. An Online Dispute Resolution platform has been set up by the European Commission which provides easy access to

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR):

You can also refer your complaint to the following ADR bodies:

Allmänna reklamationsnämnden

The Swedish Allmänna Reklamationsnämnden (The National Board for Consumer Disputes (ARN) is a Swedish public authority that functions roughly like a court (ADR) and submits recommendations on how disputes should be resolved

ARN can be contacted here:

P.O. Box 174,
SE-101 23 Stockholm, SWEDEN

SAS is willing to submit itself to its ADR procedure.

Trafik- og byggestyrelsen

The Danish Trafik- og Byggestyrelsen (The
Transport, Construction and Housing Authority’s Centre) is a Danish public authority. The Danish Transport, Construction and Housing Authority will evaluate your complaint in accordance with Regulation (EC) 261/2004, which defines passenger rights, including the right to compensation in case of canceled or delayed flights and denied boarding.

The Danish Transport Construction and Housing Authority can be contacted here:

Trafik- og Byggestyrelsen
Edvard Thomsens Vej 14
2300 København S, DENMARK

SAS is willing to submit itself to its ADR procedure.

Nævnenes hus (center for klageløsning)

The Danish Nævnenes Hus (Center for Klageløsning) evaluates complaints concerning late, damaged or lost bagage or other forms of loss in relation to your travel

Nævnenes Hus can be contracted here:

Nævnenes Hus
Center for Klageløsning
Toldboden 2, 8800 Viborg, DENMARK

SAS is willing to submit itself to its ADR procedure.


The Danish Pakkerejse-Ankenævnet evaluates complaints concerning package travel sold in Denmark and can be contacted here:

Røjelskær 11
3. sal
2840 Holte, DENMARK

SAS is willing to submit itself to its ADR procedure.

Norsk reiselivsforum transportklagenemnda

The Norwegian Transportklagenemnda, The Travel Complaint Handling Body is a Norwegian ADR handling disputes between passengers and airlines.

The Norwegian Transportklagenemnda may be contacted here:

Norsk Reiselivsforum Transportklagenemnda
Øvre Slottsgate 18 - 20
0157 Oslo, NORWAY

SAS is willing to submit itself to its ADR procedure.

The following applies for residents in People’s Republic of China

  • Complaints in Chinese can be sent to the following e-mail address Phone: +86 10 85276100 ext. 6

  • We do however recommend you using the complaints form that can be found on our website.

  • Please note that general inquiries and correspondence will not be responded to.

The following terms and conditions applies in relation to flights to and from Canada operated by SAS.

These terms and conditions should not be interpreted as more extensive with regards to the applicability or the rights stipulated by the Canadian Air Passenger Protection Regulations (APPR) or the Canadian Air Transportation for Passengers with Disabilities (ATPDR).

24.1 Self identification

24.1.1 For the purposes of establishing obligations toward passengers under the APPR, SAS declares that it is a Large Carrier under the APPR.

24.1.2 For the purposes of establishing obligations toward passengers with disabilities under the ATPDR or otherwise, SAS declares that it is a Large Carrier under the ATPDR and that it has included a statement on its website indicating that it is subject to the ATPDR (part 2).

24.2 Currency and fares

All fares and charges are stated in Canadian dollars for travel commencing in Canada.

24.3 Travelling with children under the age of 14 years

This clause is also effective for applicable connecting flights marketed with SAS’ airline designated code SK, that is subject to the Canadian Air Passenger Protection Regulations, provided that at least one flight in the itinerary departs or arrive in Canada and is marketed with SAS’ airline designated code SK or operated by SAS.

This condition applies provided that the child under the age of 14 and the parent/guardian/tutor hold reservations in the same service class.

24.3.1 Assignment of seats to accompanied children under the age of 14 years.

In order to facilitate the assignment of a seat to a child who is under the age of 14 years that is in close proximity to an accompanying person (parent, guardian or tutor) in accordance with part 24.3.2, SAS will, at no additional charge:

(a) assign a seat before check-in to the child that is in close proximity to the accompanying
person, or

(b) if SAS does not assign seats prior to check-in, in accordance with paragraph (a), SAS will:

(i) advise passengers before check-in that we will facilitate seat assignment of
children in close proximity to an accompanying person at no additional charge at the time of check-in or at the boarding gate,

(ii) assign seats at the time of check-in, if possible,

(iii) if it is not possible to assign seats at the time of check-in, SAS will, via an
announcement at the gate, ask for volunteers to change seats at the time of boarding, and

(iv) if it is not possible to assign seats at the time of check-in and no passenger has
volunteered to change seats at the time of boarding, SAS will ask again for volunteers on-board the aircraft to change seats before take-off.

24.3.2 Proximity to accompanying person's seat
SAS will facilitate, pursuant to the steps outlined in 24.3 (1) above, the assignment of a seat to a child who is under the age of 14 years by offering, at no additional charge:

(a) in the case of a child who is 4 years of age or younger, a seat that is adjacent to their
accompanying person’s seat;

(b) in the case of a child who is 5 to 11 years of age, a seat that is in the same row as their
accompanying person’s seat, and that is separated from that accompanying person’s seat by no more than one seat; and

(c) in the case of a child who is 12 or 13 years of age, a seat that is in a row that is separated
from the row of their accompanying person’s seat by no more than one row.

24.3.3 Difference in price
If the passenger who is assigned seating in accordance with 24.3.2 is seated in a lower class of service than their ticket provides, the Carrier will reimburse the price difference between the classes of service.

24.3.4 Minors less than 5 years of age are not eligible to use SAS unaccompanied minors service, and must always be accompanied by their parent/guardian/tutor or a person who is at least 16 years old when travelling.

24.4 Passengers with disabilities (pwd)

24.4.1 Application
This rule applies to the transportation of Persons with Disabilities (PWD) on flights operated by SAS on flights that depart from, or arrive in, Canada.

24.4.2 Acceptance of carriage
(1) SAS will accept the determination made by or on behalf of a person with a disability as to their self-reliance, unless doing so would impose undue hardship on SAS, for example, if it would jeopardize security, public health or public safety.

(2) SAS will not refuse to transport a person with a disability unless the transportation of the person would impose an undue hardship on SAS, for example, if it would jeopardize security, public health or public safety.

(3) If SAS refuses to transport a Person with a Disability for reasons related to their disability,
we will, at the time of the refusal, inform the person of the reasons for the refusal. In addition, within 10 days of the refusal, we will provide the person with a written notice setting out the reasons for the refusal including:

(a) the evidence of undue hardship, such as a medical report, an expert opinion, or an engineering report that demonstrates that the risk is significant enough that it would be unreasonable to waive or modify a requirement;

(b) any relevant rule, policy, procedure or regulation; and,

(c) the duration of the refusal and the conditions, if any, under which we would accept the person for transport.

24.4.3 Reservations and online services
(1) If a person with a disability identifies the nature of their disability when making a reservation with SAS, we will:

(a) discuss with the person their needs in relation to their disability and the services offered by SAS in relation to those needs;

(b) before assigning a passenger seat to a person with a disability, inform the person of the passenger seats that are available in the class of service that the person has requested and that have equipment and facilities that best meet the accessibility needs of that person, such as a wheelchair-accessible washroom or a passenger seat that has additional leg room, a larger seat pitch or movable armrests; and,

(c) in assigning a passenger seat to a person with a disability, take into account the person’s opinion with respect to which seats would best meet the accessibility needs of that person.

(2) We will advise the person if information and/or documents are required to permit SAS to assess their request, as per 24.4.6 b below. We will also advise the person that the information and/or documents must be filed within 48 hours and that the assessment of the request may take up to 2 business days after receipt of the information and/or documents.

(3) As an alternative means to using our website to make or modify a reservation, SAS will invite a person with a disability to call or chat with Customer Service.

24.4.4 Written confirmation of services
(1) SAS will, without delay, indicate in the record of a person’s travel reservation the services that we will provide to the person.

(2) SAS will include a written confirmation of the services in the itinerary that is issued to the person.

(3) If a service is confirmed only after the itinerary is issued, SAS will, without delay, provide a written confirmation of the service.

24.4.5 Services for which no advance notice is required
The services identified below will be provided at no additional fare or charge. SAS will not require a person with a disability to file information and/or documents, including medical certificates, to support any request for services identified below.

Regardless of when a person with a disability makes the request for the following services, SAS will:

(a) Assist the person with checking in at the check-in counter;

(b) Permit the person, if they are unable to use an automated self-service kiosk or other automated check-in or ticketing process, to advance to the front of the line at a check-in counter or ticket counter;

(c) If the person is in a wheelchair, a boarding chair or any other device in which they are not independently mobile while waiting at a terminal for departure after check-in or in order to transfer to another segment of their trip, provide the person with a place to wait that is close to personnel who are available to provide assistance to the person and who will periodically inquire about the person’s needs, and attend to those needs;

(d) Assist the person in storing and retrieving their carry-on baggage;

(e) In the case of a person who is blind or has any other visual impairment,

(1) describe to the person, before departure or, if impossible because of time constraints, after departure, the layout of the aircraft, including the location of washrooms and exits, and the location and operation of any operating controls at the person’s passenger seat;

(2) describe to the person, if a meal is offered on-board, all the food and beverages that are offered for consumption or provide a menu in large print or in Braille;

(f) Assist the person in accessing any entertainment content that is offered on-board an aircraft;

(g) Before departure, provide the person with an individualized safety briefing and demonstration;

(h) Assist the person in moving between their passenger seat and a washroom, including by assisting them in transferring between their passenger seat and an on-board wheelchair;

(i) Permit a person to use the washroom that has the most amount of space, regardless of where the washroom is located in any part of the aircraft, if the person needs an on-board wheelchair or the assistance of a support person or service dog to use a washroom;

(j) If a meal is served on-board to the person, assist the person with the meal by opening packages, identifying food items and their location and cutting large food portions; and
If a person is unable to use the call button to request assistance, periodically inquire about the person’s needs.

24.4.6 Services for which advance notice is required
The services identified below will be provided at no additional fare or charge, except the service described in 24.4.6 b (1), (2) and (3).

Every reasonable effort

In all instances, SAS will make every reasonable effort to provide a service requested by a person with a disability even if the person does not comply with any requirement in this section, to provide advance notice or to provide information and/or documents to permit us to assess the request.

Services – 48 hours advance notice

Subject to the SAS’ requirement for a person with a disability to provide information and/or documents identified in 24.4.7 below, we will provide the following services if requested by a person with a disability at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled time of departure of the person's flight:

(a) Assign a passenger seat to a person with a disability, taking into account the person’s opinion with respect to which seats would best meet the accessibility needs of that person;

(b) Provide additional adjacent seats, meaning seats which are next to the seat of the person with a disability, in the following three (3) situations:

(1) When the person with a disability must travel with a support person for transport if, because of the nature of their disability, the person with a disability, after departure and before arrival, needs:

(i) assistance with eating meals, taking medication, using the washroom;
(ii) assistance with transferring to and from a passenger seat;
(iii) assistance with orientation or communication; or
(iv) physical assistance in the event of an emergency, including in the case of
an evacuation or decompression;

(2) When the size of a service dog belonging to a person with a disability is such that the person's seat does not provide sufficient floor space for the dog to lie down at the person's feet in a manner that ensures the safety and well-being of the dog and the person; or

(3) When a person with a disability needs more than one seat because of the nature of their disability, for example, if they are a person who has a fused leg or who is disabled by severe obesity;

(c) Accept for transportation a mobility aid and/or other assistive device, as per 24.4.8 below;

(d) Accept for transportation a service dog, as per 24.4.9 below;

(e) Assist the person in proceeding to the boarding area after check-in;

(f) Assist the person in proceeding through any security screening process at the terminal, including by

(1) providing personnel to assist the person through the process, or

(2) collaborating with the relevant security authority to permit a person who is not travelling with the person with a disability to have access to the security screening checkpoint so that they may assist the person with a disability to proceed through the process;

(g) Before boarding, transfer the person between the person’s own mobility aid and a mobility aid provided by the carrier;

(h) Permit the person to board in advance of other passengers if:

(1) the person requests assistance with boarding, locating their passenger seat or cabin, transferring between a mobility aid and their passenger seat or storing carry-on baggage;

(2) in the case where the person is blind or has any other visual impairment, the person requests a description of the layout of the aircraft, or of the location and operation of operating controls at the person’s passenger seat; or,

(3) in the case where the person is disabled due to a severe allergy, the person requests to clean their passenger seat to remove any potential allergens;

Note: If the person has requested the assistance in (1) or (2) above, SAS may require the person to board in advance of other passengers or, if they arrive at the boarding area after priority boarding, to board after the other passengers.

(i) Assist the person in boarding and disembarking;

(j) Before departure and on arrival at the destination, transfer the person between a mobility aid and the person’s passenger seat;

(k) Provide the person with an on-board wheelchair;

(l) Establish a buffer zone around the passenger seat of a person who has a disability due to a severe allergy by providing the person with a passenger seat that is in a bank of seats other than the bank of seats in which the source of the allergen is located;

(m) Ensure that any public announcement that is made on-board is made in an audio format or a visual format that is accessible to a person with a disability;

(n) Assist the person in proceeding through border clearance (immigration and customs);

(o) Assist the person in retrieving their checked baggage;

(p) Assist the person, after disembarkation, in proceeding to the general public area;

(q) Assist the person, after disembarkation, in proceeding to a location where the person may receive assistance either

(1) from a member of the terminal operator’s personnel to proceed to the curbside zone, or

(2) from a member of the receiving carrier’s personnel to transfer to another segment of their trip within the same airport

24.4.7 Services – information and/or documents required to be filed with sas
(1) SAS will require the person to file any information and/or documents, including a medical
certificate, that are reasonably necessary to permit us to assess the person’s request for the
following services:

(a) Medical Transportation: Medical Information Form (DOC, 82KB) must be filled out for Medical transportation. The form for medical clearance and handling is used to decide if transport can be accepted or not. The form is used in case of disabilities such as broken legs, plastered legs, incubators, infection with contagious diseases etc. Upload your medical form here.

(b) Bring oxygen onboard: If the passenger wants to bring their own oxygen onboard, please fill out Oxygen Registration Form.

(c) Ordering oxygen: SAS can supply medical oxygen for a fee if requested no later than 48 hours before departure by filling out the Medical Information Form (DOC, 82KB).

(d) Service dog: If the passenger brings a service dog onboard, the Service Animal request form must be filled out.

(e) Assistance: If the passenger requests assistance, the Assistance form must be filled out.

(f) Mobility Aid: If the passenger requests to bring a mobility aid, the Mobility Device Assistance form must be filled out.

(g) Service dogs, and if applicable their cages, accompanying Passengers with Reduced Mobility will be carried free of charge, in addition to the applicable Baggage Allowance, in accordance with SAS or the Operating Carrier’s regulations, which are available on request. Acceptance of emotional support animals are not accepted onboard SAS flights, except on flights operated by SAS to and from Canada.

(2) Notwithstanding (1) above, SAS retains the right to require information and/or documents to assess any other requests for services to be provided to, as well as to substantiate the fitness to travel of persons with disabilities, with the exception of those services identified in 24.4.5.

(3) Where SAS requires the person to file information and/or documents for a request for services identified in 24.4.7(1), they must be filed with us at least 48 hours, including one full business day, prior to the scheduled time of departure of the person's flight to ensure that we have sufficient time to assess the request.

(4) SAS may not provide the services identified in 24.4.6 and in 24.4.7(1) if we have
required the person to file information and/or documents and:

(a) any of the conditions referred to in (2) or (3) above are not met or the information and/or documents provided are not reasonably sufficient to permit us to assess the request,

(b) the request has not been made 96 hours in advance of travel, and

(c) we have made every reasonable effort to provide the service but cannot do so.

(5) If, on the request of SAS, a person with a disability provides us with information and/or documents in relation to a request for service, we will offer to retain an electronic copy of the information and/or documents for a period of at least three years for the purpose of permitting us to use the information and/or documents if the person makes another request for a service.

24.4.8 Acceptance of mobility aids and other assistive devices
(1) SAS will, on request, carry, free of charge and as priority baggage, a person with a disability's mobility aid, and will permit the person to retain their mobility aid until it becomes necessary to store it for carriage.

(2) SAS will make every reasonable effort to permit a person with a disability who uses a walker or manual folding wheelchair to store it on-board the aircraft.

(3) Where the aircraft can transport the mobility aid, SAS will:

(a) disassemble and package, where necessary, the aid for transportation and unpackage and reassemble the aid upon arrival; and

(b) return the aid promptly upon arrival.

(4) Where the mobility aid needs to be disassembled and reassembled in order for it to be transported with the person who needs it, SAS will require that the person:

(a) provide us with instructions and tools for the disassembly and reassembly of the mobility aid; and

Note: Information for persons travelling with a mobility aid that needs to be disassembled for carriage, including the requirement to provide any specialized tools needed for assembling or disassembling the mobility aid, can be found at our Website.

(b) check in 90 minutes before the scheduled time of departure or arrive at the boarding gate of their flight 45 minutes in advance to allow for the additional time needed to handle the mobility aid and prepare it for transport.

(c) Persons travelling with a mobility aid that needs to be disassembled for carriage are recommended to fill out a form on our Website.

(5) Notwithstanding (4) above, SAS will make every reasonable effort to transport the mobility aid even if written instructions for disassembly and reassembly are not provided by the person with a disability or the aforementioned times are not met.

(6) SAS will refuse to transport a mobility aid where:

(a) the weight or size of the mobility aid exceeds the capacity of lifts or ramps,

(b) the doors to baggage compartments are too small for the mobility aid, or

(c) transportation of the mobility aid would jeopardize aircraft airworthiness or violate safety regulations.

Note: Information regarding maximum weight and dimensions of mobility aids that each make and model of our aircraft is capable of transporting can be found at our Website.

(7) When SAS refuses to transport a mobility aid for any of the reasons above, we will:

(a) at the time of the refusal, tell the person with a disability why their mobility aid was not accepted and provide the reason in writing within the next 10 days; and

(b) inform the person with a disability of alternative trips operated by SAS to the same destination on which their mobility aid can be transported, and offer to book this for the person at the lesser of the fare for the original trip and the fare for the alternative trip.

(8) Mobility aids are considered as baggage for transportation on an international service for purposes of limits of liability. The air carrier will advise the person of the option to make a special declaration of interest, under Article 22(2) of the Montreal Convention or under Article 22(2) of the Warsaw Convention, that sets out the monetary value of the mobility aid and a description of its identifying features.

SAS will offer, at no additional charge, to a person with a disability the option to make the special declaration of interest, at any time before the mobility aid is removed by the carrier for storage in the aircraft’s baggage compartment.

Other assistive devices

SAS will permit a person with a disability to bring on-board and to retain any small assistive device that the person needs during travel, including a cane, crutches, a communication device, an orthotic positioning device or a portable oxygen concentrator, except to the extent that the presence or use of such a device jeopardizes security, public health or public safety.

24.4.9 Acceptance of service dogs
(1) SAS will, on request, accept for transportation a service dog required to assist a person with a disability, and will permit the service dog to accompany the person on board subject to:

(a) any advance notice requirements contained in 24.4.6

(b) any time limits set out in 24.4.7 p. 3 and p. 4 where SAS requires the filing of additional information and/or documents

(c) any requirements in (2), (3) and (4) below

(2) Transport of a service dog accompanying a person with a disability will be free of charge (including both fees and fares). Exception: in the case of 24.4.6 b (2) the provision of adjacent seating in the case of international transportation, SAS will require an additional fare to be paid when the person requires an additional seat to accommodate the size of their service dog.

(3) SAS will make every reasonable effort to accept a service dog for carriage if requested by a person with a disability even if the person does not provide advance notice or any information and/or documents that are requested by us.

(4) SAS requires a person with a disability who requests to travel with a service dog to control the dog with a leash, tether or harness during travel and to provide

(a) at the time that the person with a disability makes the reservation with the carrier, a declaration attesting that the service dog has been individually trained by an organization or person specializing in service dog training to perform a task to assist the person with a disability with a need related to their disability; and

(b) before departure, an identification card or other document that is issued by an organization or person specializing in service dog training that identifies the person with a disability and attests that the service dog has been individually trained by the organization or person to perform a task to assist the person with a disability with a need related to their disability.

(5) SAS may refuse to transport a service dog if the person with a disability fails to have in their possession documentation at the time of check-in which demonstrates that the dog has all the necessary valid health and vaccination certificates, entry permits and other documents required by countries, states or territories for entry or transit.

(6) When travel involves more than one carrier, it is the responsibility of the person to verify the policy of each carrier involved in the itinerary and ensure that the requirements of each carrier have been met and that each carrier is aware of and has agreed to carry the service dog on its own aircraft.

(7) For further information, please see SAS information about Traveling with animals in the cabin or in the cargo section.

24.4.10 We will provide the following services if requested by a person with a disability at least 96 hours prior to the scheduled time of departure of the person's flight: a) accept for transportation of an emotional support dog, provided that the person with a disability provides the following documentation to SAS, at least 96 hours in advance of travel.

24.4.11 Other services for persons with disabilities
(1) Passengers requiring oxygen during the transportation to/from the aircraft and/or during the journey may bring their own compressed oxygen. The oxygen can be carried both as checked or unchecked baggage.

(a) Use of liquid oxygen is prohibited.

(b) The measurement of the cylinders must not exceed the maximum permitted weight or dimensions for cabin baggage:

  • Size: Max 115 cm/46 IN

  • Weight: Max 5 kg/18 LBS

(c) When oxygen is used in the cabin, the cylinder must be strapped to the passenger by a strap, provided by the passenger.

(2) SAS can supply medical oxygen for a fee if requested not later than 48 hours before departure.

(3) SAS does not provide a Crelling harness onboard.

(4) Stretcher is not available on SAS.

(5) Passengers may bring, free of charge and for personal use, medicines and injections onboard. The medicines and injections must be kept in a separate bag. The passenger must be able to show a certificate from a doctor affirming the need of medicines and injections.

24.4.12 Damage, destruction or loss of mobility aids
In the event that a mobility aid of a person travelling with the aid is damaged, destroyed or lost, or is not made available to the person at their time of arrival at their destination, SAS will without delay and at our expense:

1) provide the person with a temporary replacement mobility aid that meets their needs in relation to their mobility and that they are permitted to use until their mobility aid is returned to them or is repaired or replaced or until they are reimbursed by the carrier for the loss of the mobility aid;

2) reimburse the person for any expenses they have incurred because the mobility aid was damaged, destroyed or lost or because it was not made available to them at the time of their arrival at their destination,

3) in the case of a damaged mobility aid, arrange for the repair of the mobility aid and promptly return it to the person or, in the case of a damaged mobility aid that cannot be adequately repaired,

a) replace the damaged mobility aid with the same model of mobility aid or, if the same model is not available, a model that has equivalent features and qualities as the damaged mobility aid and that meets the person’s needs in relation to their mobility, or

b) reimburse the person for the full replacement cost of the mobility aid and

4) in the case of a destroyed mobility aid or a mobility aid that is not made available to the person at the time of their arrival at their destination and that is not returned to them within 96 hours after that arrival,

a) replace the destroyed or lost mobility aid with the same model of mobility aid or, if the same model is not available, a model that has equivalent features and qualities as the destroyed or lost mobility aid and that meets the person’s needs in relation to their mobility, or

b) reimburse the person for the full replacement cost of the mobility aid.

24.4.13 SAS’ Liability for service dogs
SAS is not liable for illness, death or injury to a service dog travelling onboard a SAS flight to or from Canada, unless the death or injury of the service dog resulted from the negligence or fault of SAS. SAS liability will be limited to provide for the medical care at its own expense. If necessary, SAS will provide reasonable monetary compensation for the replacement of the service dog.

24.5 Denied boarding, cancellation or long delay of flights

The following applies under the APPR if you are denied boarding or suffering from a cancelled or heavily delayed flight operated by SAS.

24.5.1 Information
We will keep you informed at the airport and onboard the affected aircraft if a flight to or from Canada is delayed, cancelled, experiencing a tarmac delay or if you are denied boarding. We will provide you with updates based on available information, including the reason for the delay, cancellation, tarmac delay and denied boarding:

  • At the time we are aware of the disruption,

  • Every 30 minutes until a new time of departure has been set, or you have been rebooked to alternative travel arrangements, and

  • When new information is available.
    In addition, we will provide you with information on:

  • The compensation to which passengers may be entitled for the inconvenience,

  • The standard of treatment for passengers (if any), and

  • The recourse available against us, including recourse to the relevant agency.

This information will be provided by means of audible announcements. Visible announcement will be provided upon request. The information will also be provided to passengers using the available communication method indicated that they prefer, including a method that is compatible with adaptive technologies intended to assist persons with disabilities

24.5.2 Compensation in case of a delay or cancellation
In case of a cancellation or a delay that exceeds 3 hours, that was caused by circumstances outside our control , SAS, as your operating carrier, will help you with the following:

  • In case of a cancellation or a delay that exceeds 3 hours, we will, if you desire, rebook you free of charge to another flight in the same service class, operated by us or an airline that we have a commercial agreement with to ensure that your itinerary can be completed as soon as feasible.

  • If we are unable to offer you a rebooking with departure within 48 hours of the end of the event that caused the cancellation or delay, we will seek rebooking options among other airlines.

  • If there are no rebooking options available with departure within 48 hours of the end of the event that caused the cancellation or delay, you will have the right to choose between a refund or a rebooking. If you prefer to be rebooked, we will also seek rebooking options on other airports within a reasonable distance and provide transportation to such airport.

  • To the extent possible, the alternate travel arrangement will provide services that are comparable to those of the original ticket.

  • If a higher class of service is booked than was originally provided for on the original ticket, we will not request supplementary payment from you.

  • If you prefer a refund, we will refund any unused portion of the ticket, including any unused ancillary services. Any refund will be issued by the method used for original payment and to the person who purchased the ticket or additional service within 30 days after the day on which SAS became obligated to provide the refund.

In case of a cancellation or a delay, that was caused by circumstances within our control but required for safety reasons , SAS, as your operating carrier, will also help you with the following:

  • If your flight is delayed more than 2 hours, or you must wait for your rebooking option for more than 2 hours, we will cover your costs for Wifi, food and drinks in reasonable quantitates during the delay.

  • If you are delayed overnight, we will also cover your reasonable cost for accommodations and transportation to and from the airport during the delay.

  • If the delay or cancellation is inside our control, we will offer you a rebooking to the next available flight operated by us or an airline that we have a commercial agreement with, which departs within 9 hours of the departure time of the original ticket.

  • If we are not able to provide an alternate arrangement departing within 9 hours of the departure time of the original ticket, we will offer you a rebooking to the next available flight operated by us or another airline. If there are no rebooking options available with departure within 48 hours, we will also seek rebooking options on other airports nearby and provide transportation to such airport.

  • If our rebooking options does not match your travel needs or if there is no longer any purpose to the travel because of the disruption, you are entitled to a refund instead of a rebooking.

  • If our rebooking options does not match your travel needs and you are no longer at the point of origin that is indicated on the ticket and there is no longer any purpose to the travel because of the disruption, you are, in addition to a refund, entitled to a confirmed reservation on a flight to that point of origin which accommodates your travel needs and a fixed compensation of 400 CAD. In any other case, you are entitled to a refund of the unused portion of the ticket, as well as the 400 CAD fixed compensation.

  • We will refund the cost of any additional services you have purchased in connection with your original ticket if you did not receive those services on the alternate flight or if you paid for those services a second time.

  • If the alternate travel arrangements provide for a lower class of service than the original ticket, we will refund the difference in the cost of the applicable portion of the ticket.

  • If a higher class of service is booked than was originally provided for on the original ticket, we will not request supplementary payment from you.

  • Any refund will be issued by the method used for original payment and to the person who purchased the ticket or additional service.

  • If you prefer a refund, we will refund any unused portion of the ticket, including any unused ancillary services. Any refund will be issued by the method used for original payment and to the person who purchased the ticket or additional service within 30 days after the day on which SAS became obligated to provide the refund.

In case of a cancellation or delay not related to safety but that was caused by circumstances inside our control , you will also be entitled to the following compensational amount, provided that SAS is your operating carrier and you were informed about the cancelled or delayed flight less than 14 days before your original scheduled time of departure:

400 CAD in case of a delay of 3-6 hours to the final destination stated in your ticket
700 CAD in case of a delay of 6-9 hours to the final destination stated in your ticket
1000 CAD in case of a delay of 9+ hours to the final destination stated in your ticket

24.5.3 Denied boarding
In case of denied boarding due to circumstances outside our control, SAS, as your operating carrier, will help you with the following:

  • If you desire, we will arrange a rebooking free of charge to another flight in the same service class, operated by us or an airline that we have a commercial agreement with to ensure that your itinerary can be completed as soon as feasible.

  • If we are unable to offer you a rebooking with departure within 48 hours of the end of the event that caused the denial of boarding, we will seek rebooking options among other airlines.

  • If there are no rebooking options available with departure within 48 hours of the end of the event that caused the denial of boarding, we will also seek rebooking options on other airports within a reasonable distance, and provide transportation to such airport.

  • To the extent possible, the alternate travel arrangement will provide services that are comparable to those of the original ticket. If a higher class of service is booked than was originally provided for on the original ticket, we will not request supplementary payment from you.

In case of denied boarding due to circumstances within our control but required for safety reasons, the following will apply:

  • We will not deny boarding to a passenger unless we have asked all passengers if they are willing to give up their seat.

  • If we were to offer a benefit in exchange for a passenger willingly relinquishing its seat and a passenger accepts the offer, or if it negotiates a benefit acceptable to both parties, we will provide the passenger with a written confirmation of that benefit before the flight departs.

  • We will not deny boarding to a passenger who is already on-board the aircraft unless the denial of boarding is required for reasons of safety.

If denial of boarding is necessary we will give priority for boarding to passengers in the following order: an unaccompanied minor, a person with a disability and their support person, service dog or other service animal, or emotional support animal, if any, a passenger who is travelling with family members, a passenger who was previously denied boarding on the same ticket.

In addition, we also will help you with the following if you are denied boarding and the reason for the denial is inside our control:

  • If you must wait for your rebooking option for more than 2 hours, we will cover your costs for Wifi, food and drinks in reasonable quantitates during the delay.

  • If you must wait for your rebooking option overnight, we will also cover your reasonable cost for accommodations and transportation to and from the airport during the waiting time.

  • We will offer you a rebooking to the next available flight operated by us or or an airline that we have a commercial agreement with, which departs within 9 hours of the departure time of the original ticket.

  • If we are not able to provide an alternate arrangement departing within 9 hours of the departure time of the original ticket, we will offer you a rebooking to the next available flight operated by us or another airline. If there are no rebooking options available with departure within 48 hours, we will also seek rebooking options on other airports nearby, and provide transportation to such airport.

  • If our rebooking options does not match your travel needs or if there is no longer any purpose to the travel because of the disruption, you are entitled to a refund instead of a rebooking.

  • If our rebooking options does not match your travel needs and you are no longer at the point of origin that is indicated on the ticket and there is no longer any purpose to the travel because of the disruption, you are, in addition to a refund, entitled to a confirmed reservation on a flight to that point of origin which accommodates your travel needs. In any other case, you are entitled to a refund of the unused portion of the ticket.

  • We will refund the cost of any additional services you have purchased in connection with your original ticket if you did not receive those services on the alternate flight or if you paid for those services a second time.

  • If the alternate travel arrangements provide for a lower class of service than the original ticket, we will refund the difference in the cost of the applicable portion of the ticket.

  • If a higher class of service is booked than was originally provided for on the original ticket, we will not request supplementary payment from you.

  • Any refund will be issued by the method used for original payment and to the person who purchased the ticket or additional service within 30 days after the day on which SAS became obligated to provide the refund.

  • In case of denied boarding due to circumstances within our control and not required for safety reasons, you are, in addition to the rights in the points above, entitled to the following compensation, provided that SAS is your operating carrier:

900 CAD in case of a delay of 0-6 hours
1800 CAD in case of a delay of 6-9 hours
2400 CAD in case of a delay of 9+ hours

You will be entitled to above compensation at the time you are notified that you are denied boarding.

We will provide the compensation as soon as it is operationally feasible, but not later than 48 hours after the denial of boarding. If the compensation is paid before the arrival of the flight reserved as part of alternate travel arrangements, at the destination that is indicated on the ticket, that compensation will be based on the flight's expected arrival time.

If it is not possible to provide the compensation before the boarding time of the flight reserved as part of alternate travel arrangements, we will provide a written confirmation of the amount of the compensation that is owed. If the arrival of the flight at the destination that is indicated on their original ticket is after the time it was expected to arrive when the compensation was paid or confirmed in writing and the amount that was paid or confirmed no longer reflects the amount due, we will adjust the amount of the compensation.

24.5.5 Compensation based on other regulations

Please note that you are not entitled to receive compensation if you have already been paid under another passenger rights regulation for the same event.

24.5.6 Claims related to appr

To receive the minimum compensation referred to in the APPR, you must file a request for compensation with SAS before the first anniversary of the day on which the flight delay or flight cancellation occurred. We will, within 30 days after the day on which it receives the request, provide the compensation or an explanation as to why compensation is not payable.

If you disagree with our decision, you can seek recourse with the Canadian Transportation Agency.

24.6 Tarmac delay

The following applies to all passengers experiencing a tarmac delay irrespective of the type of fare on which they are travelling, or they have purchased.

24.6.1 Information
Once it becomes clear that the aircraft will experience a tarmac delay we will communicate with you in accordance with 24.5.1.

24.6.2 Urgent medical assistance
If you require urgent medical assistance while the flight is delayed on the tarmac after the doors of the aircraft are closed for take-off or after the flight has landed, we will facilitate access to the medical assistance.

24.6.3 Standards of treatment
If a flight is delayed on the tarmac after the doors of the aircraft are closed for take-off or after the flight has landed, we will provide you with the following treatment, free of charge:

  • if the aircraft is equipped with lavatories, access to those lavatories in working order;

  • proper ventilation and cooling or heating of the aircraft;

  • if it is feasible to communicate with people outside of the aircraft, the means to do so; and

  • food and drink, in reasonable quantities, taking into account the length of the delay, the time of day and the location of the airport.

24.6.4 Tarmac delay (over 3 hours) at an airport in canada

If a flight is delayed on the tarmac at an airport in Canada, we will provide an opportunity for passengers to disembark 3 hours after the aircraft doors have been closed for take-off, and three hours after the flight has landed, or at any earlier time if it is feasible. However, this opportunity to disembark will not be provided if it is likely that take-off will occur less than 3 hours and 45 minutes after the doors of the aircraft are closed for take-off or after the flight has landed, and we are able to continue to provide the standards of treatment noted above.
If we will allow disembarkation, we will, if it is feasible, give passengers with disabilities and their support person, service animal or emotional support animal, if any, the opportunity to leave the aircraft first.

An opportunity to disembark will not be provided if it is not possible, including if it is not possible for reasons related to safety and security or to air traffic or customs control.

24.6.5 Passenger reroute
In the case of a passenger reroute pursuant to section 24.5.2 and 24.5.3, the passenger shall be entitled to the regular baggage allowance applicable for the type of service that was originally purchased.

You recognize that in connection with your travel personal data has been given to us for the following purposes: making a reservation, booking and/or issuing a Ticket, contacting you regarding check-in and other information about your flight, facilitating immigration and entry procedures, customs control, verification of credit cards and other payment cards, facilitating ancillary services such as for instance hotel reservations and car rental, developing and providing special services such as special facilities for People with Reduced Mobility, special meals and the fulfillment of other special wishes you as a passenger may have. For these purposes, you authorize us to retain and use such data and to transmit it to our own offices, Authorized Agents, authorities and government agencies, handling agents, other carriers or other third parties within or outside the European Union in connection with providing you with the travel services and related services. If prohibited by any applicable legislation your personal data will not be used for marketing purposes without your prior consent. SAS may store personal data for up to ten years in order to handle any claims or obligations under applicable law. Personal data will be handled in accordance with applicable law, including the General Data Privacy Regulation and SAS' Privacy Policy (Integrity Policy)

Air carrier liability for passenger and their baggage

This information notice summarizes the liability rules applied by Community air carriers as required by Community legislation and the Montreal Convention 1999.

Compensation in the case of death or injury

There are no financial limits to the liability for passenger injury or death. For damages up to 128,821 SDR, the air carrier cannot contest claims for compensation. Above that amount, the air carrier can defend itself against a claim by proving that it was not negligent or otherwise at fault.

Advanced payments

If a passenger is killed or injured, the air carrier must make an advance payment, to cover immediate economic needs, within 15 days from the identification of the person entitled to compensation. In the event of death, this advance payment shall not be less than 16,000 SDRs

Passenger delays

In the case of passenger delay, the air carrier is liable for damage unless it took all reasonable measures to avoid the damage or it was impossible to take such measures. The liability for passenger delay is 5,346 SDRs

Baggage delays

In the case of baggage delay, the air carrier is liable for damage unless it took all reasonable measures to avoid the damage or it was impossible to take such measures. The liability for baggage delay is limited to 1,288 SDRs

Delay, loss or damage to baggage

The air carrier is liable for destruction, loss or damage to baggage up to 1,288 SDRs. In the case of checked baggage, it is liable even if not at fault, unless the baggage was defective. In the case of unchecked baggage, the carrier is liable only at fault.

Claim time limits for delayed, lost or damage baggage

The Reporting of damage/misplaced baggage at your arrival destination does not represent a claim to SAS. It is therefore necessary to make a claim directly within the time limits set by the Montreal Convention 1999.

  • Misplaced baggage – Must be reported at your arrival airport and in addition a documented claim submitted to SAS within 21 days from the date on which the Baggage was placed at your disposal.

  • Damaged baggage – Must be reported at your arrival airport and in addition a documented claim submitted to SAS within 7 days from the date of damage.

    See also section 19 of the Conditions of Carriage.

Higher limits for baggage

Under the Montreal Convention 1999, SAS liability for lost, damaged or delayed baggage is limited to 1,288 SDR. A passenger can benefit from a higher checked baggage liability by making a Special Checked Baggage Declaration of Value and paying a fee of 60 Euro or equivalent in local currency (plus VAT for domestic flights), per person/per one way flight. The payment of this fee raises the checked baggage liability limit to 2,576 SDRs. Each Checked Baggage Special Declaration of Value Fee must be paid for a the airport of departure.

Liability of contracting and actual carriers

If the air carrier actually performing the flight is not the same as the contracting air carrier, the passenger has the right to address a complaint or to make a claim for damages against either. If the name or code of an air carrier is indicated on the ticket, that air carrier is the contracting air carrier.

Time limitation for action

Any action in court to claim damages must be brought within two years from the date of arrival of the aircraft, or from the date on which the aircraft ought to have arrived.

Basis for the above information

The basis of the rules described above in the Montreal Convention of 28 May 1999, which is implemented in the EU by Regulation (EC) No 2097/97 (as amended by Regulation 889/2002) and the national legislation of the Member States.

1 SDR is approximately 1.2 EUR.


The Carrier will provide each passenger whose transportation is governed by the Montreal Convention with the following notice:

Advice to International Passengers on Carrier Liability

Passengers on a journey involving an ultimate destination or a stop in a country other than the country of departure are advised that international treaties known as the Montreal Convention, or its predecessor, the Warsaw Convention, including its amendments, may apply to the entire journey, including any portion thereof within a country. For such passengers, the treaty, including special contracts of carriage embodied in applicable tariffs, governs and may limit the liability of the carrier in respect of death or injury to passengers, and for destruction or loss of, or damage to, baggage, and for delay of passengers and baggage.

Mobile terms and conditions

The check-in service is available on SAS (SK)-operated flights where SAS Internet check-in is available.

The flight information service is available on SAS (SK)-operated flights where SAS Internet check-in is available.

The service is provided by SMS and/or email. A general prerequisite for receiving and sending a SMS is a GSM or 3G mobile phone. Local operator availabilities and restrictions may apply.

Please note that the information provided by SAS is valid at time when the message is sent. It may no longer be valid when the information is read. Certain events are not communicated due to airport processes. It is SAS' intention to provide the latest relevant information at each time. SAS does not give any warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability of any kind that the information provided hereunder will be correct or complete.

SAS cannot be held responsible for any delays or functionality problems in any internal or external infrastructure, such as operator networks or Internet.

SAS' obligations regarding the check-in and flight information services provided herein are expressly limited to what is provided under these terms and conditions. SAS disclaims any and all other liability for the check-in and flight information services and consequently shall in no event be liable for any cost, expense, damage, claim or any other liability or loss of any nature – whether direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or otherwise – arising out of or in connection with the check-in and flight information services or otherwise.

Transport from airport

We strongly recommend that you allow yourself ample time (minimum 90 minutes) between scheduled flight arrival and the last daily departure of relevant public transport from the airport.

Flight delays may occur, and flight delays are often due to circumstances which are force majeure for the airline. In cases of force majeure the airline is not liable for any additional costs you might be faced with due to delayed incoming flight. It is therefore sensible planning to allow yourself ample time between scheduled flight arrival and any further ground transportation.

If SAS, however, should be found liable for the delayed arrival to your destination airport (in other words, that the delay is not due to force majeure), you must have allowed yourself minimum 90 minutes between scheduled flight arrival and the last daily departure of relevant public transport from the airport before SAS will consider eventual compensation for lost ground connection (such compensation always limited to your actual and documented costs due to night closed public transport).

Terms and conditions for internet access onboard sas short haul fleet

Internet access

SAS WiFi is a wireless Internet connection only accessible onboard SAS short haul aircraft. If you chose to use the Internet access, please click on the login box to leave the SAS web page to start browsing the Internet. The use of the Internet is based on this contract between you and SAS Group. Do not use this service if you do not agree to all of the following terms and conditions.

Limited rights of use

The reproduction, copying, transfer, distribution, or storage of part or all of the contents of this web site without the prior written permission of SAS Group is strictly prohibited.

Restrictions of use

SAS Group reserves the right through filtering to block websites with a content that can be considered to be insulting, illegal or pornographic. However, SAS Group cannot guarantee that this filtering is complete at all times.

Certain material is inappropriate for minors or may be deemed offensive or objectionable. Please show consideration to your fellow passengers, including minors, and their rights when using the Internet service onboard.

The service may not be used for any unlawful, improper or criminal purpose or activity, including but not limited to hacking, spamming, introducing viruses and malware on the Internet.

You may not post or transmit information or communications that, expressly or implied, are fraudulent, racist, hateful, harassing, obscene, pornographic, or otherwise improper as determined by SAS in its sole discretion, or which violates any applicable local or international law, rule, order and/or regulation.

You may not interfere with another person's usage or enjoyment of the Internet or this service or to generate excessive amounts (as determined in our sole discretion) of Internet traffic.


SAS does not accept any responsibility for goods, services, information, software or other material gained while using Internet.

You agree to evaluate, and bear all risks associated with, the use of any content transmitted over the service, including any reliance on the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of such content. SAS is not responsible for any content and will not pre-screen content transmitted by you over the service, but shall have the right in its sole discretion to refuse or move any such content that is available via the service, including without limitation any content that violates these terms and conditions or is otherwise objectionable.

SAS Group may preserve and disclose content if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such preservation or disclosure is reasonably necessary to comply with legal process, enforce these terms and conditions or respond to claims that any content violates the rights of third-parties.

Limitation of liability and indemnity

SAS Group makes no representations about the suitability, correctness or completeness of the information published on any website that you visit or use for any purpose. All documents, information and related graphics are provided "AS IS" without warranty or guarantee of any kind. SAS Group hereby disclaims all warranties with regard to this information including all implied warranties.

Links to third party websites

The hyperlinks from SAS web site shall lead to another service suppliers’ web sites. These sites are not under the control of SAS Group and SAS Group is not, in any circumstances, responsible for the contents of any linked web site or any link contained in a linked web site, or any changes or updates to such sites. SAS Group is not responsible for web casting or any other form of transmission received from any linked web site. SAS Group is providing these links to users only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by SAS Group of the web site or the service supplier providing such site.

Changes, errors and interruptions

SAS Group does not warrant that the functions contained in the web sites you visit will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that these sites or the servers that makes them available are free of viruses or other harmful components. SAS Group has no control of the websites you access on the Internet and assumes no responsibility for any outages, weather phenomena, tail blockage or similar events affecting this service which are outside our control.

SAS does not accept any responsibility for any malfunction to your equipment or if the service does not function on your equipment. The service is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis and SAS does not warrant that the service will be uninterrupted or error free, nor does SAS guarantee any minimum upload or download speeds. SAS shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or other damages arising out of the use of the service or inability to use the service.

SAS WiFi is activated as soon as the plane leaves the gate or at takeoff at the latest (depending on local regulations) and deactivated when the plane lands. In the first phase of WiFi roll out, some areas will not be fully covered during parts of the flight. Known service interruptions will be on flights over the North Sea to and from the UK, flights over Bay of Biscay and during flights to Svalbard and the Canary Islands. WiFi will be available during the major part of these flights.


In no event shall SAS Group be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of service, documents, provision of or failure to provide proper services, or of information available from the web site visited by the user.
You agree to indemnify SAS against all claims, liability, damages, costs and expenses, including but not limited to reasonable attorneys’ fees, arising out of or related to any and all use of your account, including any content transmitted over the service, your use of the service, your violation of these terms and conditions, and your violation of any rights of any other person.

Proprietary rights

All copyrightable content distributed over the service is copyrighted by third-party content providers or SAS, as applicable. SAS and/or such third-party content providers own all right title and interest to such content and you may not copy, distribute, transmit or publish, in any form, including printed, electronic, digitized, audio or otherwise, or modify all or any portion of such content without the prior written consent of the copyright owner.


Any SAS Group symbols or equivalent emblems referenced herein are either trademarks or registered trademarks of SAS Group.

Governing law

These terms and conditions regarding Internet Access Onboard SAS short haul fleet are governed by Swedish law and any disputes shall be resolved by the courts of Sweden.

Personal data

By accepting these Terms and Conditions for Internet Access Onboard SAS short haul fleet you give us permission to process your personal data (e.g. name, EuroBonus membership number, e-mail address and your device MAC address), which you have submitted to us or the service provider, Viasat Inc, 6155 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA 92009-1699, for the purpose of providing you with the WiFi service. The personal data will, except for MAC addresses, be retained for the duration of the flight. MAC addresses will be retained by Viasat Inc for two years after it has been collected in order to enhance the user experience and comply with mandatory legislation.

Your privacy matters and is important to us. We will process your personal data with the utmost respect and in accordance with applicable data protection legislation. Your MAC address will never be used by SAS or any third party for marketing purposes.

The legal basis upon which your personal data is being processed is the EU Regulation no. 2016/679 (the General Data Protection Regulation, “GDPR”) article 6(1)(a) (consent) and article 6(1)(b) (necessary for the performance of a contract).

If necessary, we may transfer your personal data, in whole or in part, to data processors which process the personal data on behalf of SAS as part of the processing activities in order to fulfill the purposes as described above. This may include data processors which are located outside the EU/EEA. In such case, the transfer will be done under the appropriate safeguards as set out in the GDPR article 46, including by applying standard data protection contractual clauses adopted by the EU Commission.

SAS is the data controller which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of your personal data. SAS is the legal entity responsible for personal data in accordance with applicable data protection legislation, including the GDPR.

As a data subject you have the right to:

  • Access the personal data that we process on you;

  • Correct, update or delete personal data which is incorrect or incomplete;

  • Restrict our processing of your personal data;

  • To be forgotten. The right to be forgotten means that you may request that we as far as possible delete all the personal data we have collected on you;

  • Receive a copy of the personal data related to you and information regarding our processing of your personal data in a commonly used data format and to transmit – or have transmitted, where technically feasible – the personal data to another controller; and

  • Submit a complaint to the data protection authority within your jurisdiction.

    SAS has designated a Data Protection Officer who supports SAS in ensuring that your personal data is processed correctly. You may contact the Data Protection Officer with questions or requests relating to the processing of your personal data, including if you want to withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data, per e-mail at, or by regular mail at:

    Data Protection Officer
    Scandinavian Airlines System
    Frösundaviks Allé 1
    169 70 Solna, Sweden