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Get delayed or canceled flight certificate

If your flight was delayed or canceled, fill in the details below and we’ll send you a flight delay certificate.

Booking details

* Required information

Booking reference: undefined
Flight number: undefined
Date of departure: undefined

Fill in your booking details below.

Please complete the following fields to continue
  • Booking reference: Enter your booking reference
  • Flight number: Enter your flight number
  • Date of departure: Enter a valid date

Enter your booking reference
Enter your flight number
Enter a valid date

Contact information

* Required information


Enter the email address that was used when you made the booking.

Please complete the following fields to continue

    Please add a first name
    Please add a last name
    Please add a valid email address

    You must certify that the information provided is true and correct
    You must accept SAS’ Terms & Conditions

    Read more about how SAS handle your personal data in our Privacy Policy