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Travel agent booking refund

How to get a refund

* Required information

Have you contacted your travel agent?

Did you book this ticket through a travel agent in the US?

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Booking details

* Required information

Booking reference: null

Fill in your booking details below.

Enter your booking reference

Do you want to cancel the entire booking?

Do you want to cancel all travelers in your booking?

Please complete all required fields


Add all travelers included in your booking and claim, including you.
You can’t add more than 9 travelers at a time.

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Contact information

* Required information


Fill in your contact information and the email address that you used when you booked your trip and make sure it's registered correctly in your booking. For future dated trips, you can do this in My bookings

Please add a first name
Please add a last name
Please add a valid email address

Please complete all required fields

You must certify that you have not received or claimed a refund from any other company or the travel agent

Read more about how SAS handle your personal data in our Privacy Policy

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