
Flygtaxi operates in 3 500 cities and towns at 41 airports and 128 train stations including across the Øresund Bridge to or from Kastrup airport in Copenhagen. Flygtaxi taxis will wait for you when your flight or train arrives, and pick you up at the door when it is time to get back to the airport or train station, always for a fixed price.

You earn Bonus points per Flygtaxi trip as shown below. Just remember to use your EuroBonus number when you book.
Shared taxi: 100 Bonus points
Private taxi: 50 Bonus points
Large taxi: 50 Bonus points
Transfer: 100 Bonus points
Wheelchair-accessible taxi: 100 Bonus points
Private taxi at international airport: 50–100 Bonus points
To earn EuroBonus points, you must register your EuroBonus number and phone number with Flygtaxi. Your points will then be added to your account every time your phone number shows up in a Flygtaxi booking, even if it is booked by your travel agent.
Use points
Using EuroBonus points to pay for a Flygtaxi taxi isn't possible at the moment.
You can claim missing points up to 6 months after your trip, as long as you were a EuroBonus member when you booked the Flygtaxi. Just email your request or contact Flygtaxi by phone: +46 8 120 920 00. Please note that it can take up to 8 weeks for your points to be verified and added to your account.